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email hero image: Protect Independent Journalism: Make a year-end donation to ProPublica

Hi Reader,

Well over a year ago, ProPublica set out to investigate the myriad ways health insurance companies deny tens of millions of claims every year. We published a callout, asking readers who worked in the industry to become sources and help our journalists navigate an opaque and complex system. As of today, we have published more than a dozen stories and counting.

In this series, our reporters have:

  • Exposed how health insurers have been breaking the law for years. States have passed hundreds of laws protecting people from wrongful insurance denials. Yet, from emergency services to fertility preservation, insurers still deny those claims.

  • Built a free tool to help patients access their own claim files. Have you ever been denied a claim? Federal regulations require most health insurance plans to give people an opportunity to review documents related to their claim for free. But, with the help of our readers, we found a number of major insurers that were not following the law. Several changed or updated their policies after we reached out. So, we made a free tool to help you obtain information you have a right to see about yourself.

  • Found instances where taking on a health insurer has worked. This article from just a few months ago told the story of a celebrated trial lawyer successfully taking on Blue Cross and Blue Shield when it denied his claim for critical treatment.

Our journalists are able to produce these multifaceted deep-dives around a critical and downright scary aspect of this country’s health insurance thanks to our supporters. As the largest investigative newsroom in the country, powered by the people who read and believe in us, we have the freedom to pursue the toughest topics and the resources to dig in as deeply and widely as necessary.

Today, I’m asking you to join us. Make your donation of any amount and support this important work. We’ve got more stories to do in this series, as well as so many others we’re working on and planning for in the year ahead. If you’re in a position to do so, I’d be so grateful if you joined us today.

Thanks so much,

Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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