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Dear John

In case you missed it, last month we published our new report on England's rural affordable housing crisis.

Our new research reveals that a chronic shortage of genuinely affordable housing is creating huge social housing waiting lists and forcing people out of the communities they know and love.

The launch of the report was accompanied by an event in the House of Lords which saw over 100 attendees, including up to 20 parliamentarians. Speakers included the housing minister, well-known social housing campaigner Kwajo Tweneboa and there was also great representation from the CPRE network - scroll down to read the report.

With the arrival of December, we take a look into the vital significance of soil, and consider why things need to change to mark World Soil Day on Tuesday 5 December. Nature writer Alexandra Pearce Broomhead also shares what wildlife you might find during walks in your local countryside or green space over the course of the month – read on to find out more.

Unravelling a crisis: the state of rural affordable housing in England


An affordable, healthy home is the foundation for a decent life. But our new report shows that rural communities in England are facing an existential threat from an acute and overlooked shortage of genuinely affordable housing. We're calling on the government to redefine ‘affordable housing’ to directly link to average local incomes - read the report and our recommendations in full below.

The Big Solar Co-op: ethical, community-led rooftop solar


The Big Solar Co-op was born out of a burning desire to continue to deliver rooftop solar affordably following the discontinuation of the Feed-in-Tariffs scheme – a government initiative that made guaranteed payments for renewable energy generated. With a unique volunteer-led and ethical approach to solar energy, find out how the Big Solar Co-op is working on combatting climate change one large rooftop at a time.

Wildlife to look out for in December


In December, many of our natural landscapes may appear to be slumbering, but there is still a lot to enjoy in the great outdoors. If you're planning a walk or two over the festive period, make sure to look out for waxwings (like the ones pictured), goldfinches, gorse and moles.

Join us as an Online Campaigns Activist


We’re looking for volunteers to take easy online actions to support our campaigns from home. We're particularly keen to recruit people aged 18-30 (although this is open to everyone!) as we want to bring younger voices into our campaigning work. If you have family members and friends in this age bracket who care about environmental issues, then please share this opportunity with them.

Get discounted access to the countryside with a CPRE membership


By joining us as a member, did you know you can get exclusive discounts at many houses, gardens and other attractions around the country? All you have to do is show your CPRE membership card or your Member Guide 2023 on arrival. Find your day out with our exclusive member benefits and join today from as little as £5.


Best wishes,

Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

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