This is wild. Rachel Levine has proposed a rule that would force states to 'transfer' foster children from families who don't agree with their 'gender identity' to families who do.
We need your help to stop this. Sign our petition to ask Rachel Levine to remove this proposed rule that disrupts the lives of our foster children
We believe every child deserves a loving home. This proposed rule could rip children from families that care about them deeply, merely over disagreements on 'gender identity.' This isn't right. It's not fair to the children, and it's not fair to the foster families who've opened their hearts and homes. Let's stand together. Let's put the well-being of children first.
Best Wishes, David Anthony and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. We need all hands on deck for this one. Please share this petition with as many folks as you can. The more voices we have, the louder our message will be. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Help protect our vulnerable foster children and dedicated parents. Sign this petition against the unjust rule suggesting that children in foster care should be 'transferred' based on their 'gender identity'. Let's prioritize emotional support, psychological well-being, and familial stability. Stand against forced relocations. Your signature counts! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
You won't believe what's happening to our foster care system. It's downright heartbreaking. Rachel Levine, head of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is pushing a dangerous new rule that threatens the very fabric of foster families. This leftist bureaucrat wants to force foster parents to embrace the transgender ideology or risk losing their foster children. As someone who's supposed to protect vulnerable kids, Levine is actually putting them in harm's way – all to validate his own gender ideology. This proposed rule would brand foster parents as abusive if they don't affirm their foster child's "new gender." Just imagine countless loving families torn apart simply because they refuse to bow down to this harmful ideology. But it gets worse: this could set a terrifying precedent for further discrimination against foster parents based on their religious and moral beliefs. We're on a tight deadline. It's set to go into effect this month, and we need as many signatures as possible to show Rachel Levine how wrong this is.
Sign our petition now and demand that Rachel Levine remove this disastrous rule that forces foster children to be "transferred" based on their "gender identity."
Under this new rule, foster parents who don't buy into the transgender ideology and undergo extensive training will be deemed "unsafe" and "inappropriate." These dedicated caregivers would be kicked out of the system, leaving vulnerable children without the loving homes they need. The National Catholic Bioethics Center puts it perfectly: "Resolutions and policies of medical associations and legislative and regulatory actions promote so-called gender affirmation and gender transitioning, even in prepubescent children, and mandate the compliance of schools, health care providers, health care payers, social services, and others. Such regulations are coercive and based on a false understanding of human identity."
We can't let this happen. Sign our petition today and tell Rachel Levine to stop this rule from destroying loving foster families.
If we raise our voices together, there's hope that HHS will reconsider and shelve this devastating rule. While Rachel Levine may seem unbending, he could see the potential backlash on the Biden administration as the presidential campaign heats up. If we don't act, this rule will rip families apart and leave children struggling with gender dysphoria without the support they need. Worse still, it could pave the way for more oppressive rules targeting good, caring people who oppose the transgender movement. But if we succeed, we can protect foster parents and children from this nightmare. Time is running out, and we must act now before it's too late.
Please add your name to the petition and tell Rachel Levine to remove this harmful rule about "transferring" foster children based on "gender identity". Thank you for taking a stand, David Anthony and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Once you've signed, please share this petition with as many people as possible. We need all hands on deck to protect our foster families!
More information: CBS Austin: Foster parents who don't support child's gender identity could lose custody under Biden proposal: Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements for Titles IV-E and IV-B: A Proposed Rule by the Children and Families Administration on 09/28/2023: National Catholic Bioethic Center's Statement on Transgenderism: