The U.S. Constitution leaves wealth taxation to voters, not the courts. But in Moore v. United States, the Supreme Court threatens to change that.
The Court is hearing arguments right now from lawyers for the super-rich who want to stop Congress from ever considering a wealth tax. Whether it’s what the people want or not.
That’s not just bad public policy, it’s a betrayal of American democracy.
Sign if you agree: The wealthy must pay their fair share of taxes.
According to the latest estimates, a tax on the ultra-rich can yield $3 trillion a year and provide critical funds for healthcare, child care, housing, education, and infrastructure. Yet corporate lobbyists are using their influence to prevent billionaires and multi-millionaires from paying their fair share.
We can’t let the ultra-rich dictate how much they pay in taxes, or whether they will pay taxes at all, while Americans struggle to make ends meet and wealth inequality continues to grow.
Sign the petition: Tax the ultra-rich >>
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