March 13th 2020
Dear Friends and Supporters
Despite our minds all being focused on the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), there has been a lot of activity across the board when it comes to Brexit. Primarily we saw the first round of official negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union take place last week, in which both sides refused to budge and things in reality changed very little.
Unsurprisingly, any chance for some early EU common sense seems to be impossible!
However, despite next week’s face to face talks in London being cancelled owing to COVID-19, the UK Government has seized the initiative, announcing that early next week they will publish a full draft Free Trade Agreement which could be signed off immediately if the EU is being sensible.
This clear direction and purpose by the UK is a welcome sight for sore eyes. For too long the country has been given vague statements and loose promises over our post-Brexit future. As an added benefit, this completely disarms the EU’s narrative of the UK not being clear about what it wants as the EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, Michel Barnier, constantly told us. If this draft Trade Agreement is up to scratch, then our ‘Red Lines’ will be perfectly clear! We expect next week’s cancelled talks to be rescheduled for as soon as possible when the EU and UK Government negotiators have worked out a way to host the ongoing talks - remotely, if necessary - while the coronavirus pandemic is still causing problems.
Thankfully, Boris Johnson has confirmed there will not be any extension to the Transition Period – so the EU needs to get a move on with helping to make alternative arrangements, rather than seeming to use every excuse in the book to extend the trade talks.
Speaking of ‘Red Lines’ - while the Government has made a promising start so far, things can never be certain when the EU and the ‘Remainer’ Civil Servants are involved. As a result, Get Britain Out has determined the 5 major areas which the Government must not compromise on in anyway. If the EU refuse to accept these very reasonable requests, then walking away on WTO terms is the only option.

In other negotiations, the UK has now officially begun negotiations with the United States. These are negotiations which must be taken as seriously as the ones with the EU. The ‘Red Lines’ we have for a trade deal with the EU must also apply to negotiations with the USA. We must not give up the sovereignty we have just regained to any other country.
Elsewhere in Westminster, the Civil Service have so far failed in their attempts to displace Priti Patel (MP for Witham) from her position as Home Secretary. Despite organised efforts by the Labour Party and a number of Remainers, her popularity is still sky high and the Prime Minister has given her his unwavering support. No doubt many in the mostly Remain media will try to bring this up again and again, not content with the priorities of the majority of voters being delivered.
The biggest activity of this week were the Budget announcements on Wednesday. We finally saw the new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, MP for Richmond (Yorks) leading the Government in ‘Taking Back Control’ of our money. With the £40 billion we used to send to the EU every year now being spent on our own priorities, this helps to give extra funding to areas of this country which have been forgotten for so long, as well as helping towards those affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Downsides were the reduction in help for entrepreneurs and the drastic cut in interest rates. With another Budget due in the Autumn, we will need to wait and see what else Sunak has to pull out of his red briefcase. If you want to read a full summary of the Budget, you can find a link at the end of this bulletin.
While the Conservative Government has been getting on with governing the country, the Labour Party Leadership race is somehow still going on - despite it being widely expected Sir Keir Starmer is going to win. However, the ongoing competition has shown voters who have supported Brexit across the country that none of the candidates have learnt anything from the previous election results. Every single one of the candidates have advocated a close relationship with the EU, still accepting laws and control from Brussels. Even more baffling - Sir Keir Starmer has even said he would support reintroducing Freedom of Movement.
Next week let’s see which of these Europhile Labour contenders will win the Labour Leadership election – potentially demonstrating how out of touch they are with the Great British Public at large. If Labour continues to behave like this, then the once proud Labour Party will fade even further into irrelevance – and as a cross-Party campaign, this will be very sad for many in this country.
On COVID-19 - the current situation across Europe and the failure of the EU to respond in a satisfactory and realistic manner, has fundamentally exposed the flaws in EU’s march towards Federalism. Unlike the UK, the EU is legally unable to mount a coordinated response between governments and the financial sector. Instead, individual governments have had to step up and take responsibility – which seems to be against their approach of everything needs to be controlled by the European Council and Brussels! The European Central Bank, under the presidency of Christine Lagarde since October last year, has categorically failed in its role of regulating and steadying the Euro markets. The measures Ms Lagarde has implemented so far, pale in comparison to the more proactive, drastic approach by the Bank of England this week with large scale interest rate cuts and easing of capital requirements (making it easier to borrow).
FYI : Mark Carney, the current Governor of the Bank of England, will be replaced this Sunday by Andrew Bailey, who is the current head of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
The much lauded cooperation between EU Member States has not materialised. In fact the European Court of Justice has just fined Italy millions of Euros for subsidies it has given to holiday resorts which were in trouble over lack of tourism last year!!!
With Europe now being at the ‘epicentre’ of this fatal COVID-19 outbreak, this shows just why the EU is doomed to fail in its current format. Its treaties with EU Member States are simply not designed to quickly react to the problems such an outbreak – or other global issues – may impact on individual countries within the bloc.
Despite an effective response in the UK so far, there are new calls coming from Remainiacs to delay Brexit entirely because of COVID-19! This is ridiculous. While the virus may make it harder to conduct face to face large meetings or conferences, there is no reason it should stop the UK preparing for Brexit and even conducting negotiations via video link. This would certainly save the taxpayer millions in transport costs for Ministers - and of course, all the members of the trade talks negotiation team - even if it does make it harder to get the EU into a headlock!!!
It is now nearly 4 years since the majority voted to Leave the EU and many Brexiteers elected Boris Johnson based on his promise to ‘Get Brexit Done’ by the end of this year. A delay to Brexit is simply not an option. Thankfully, the Prime Minister has ruled out any extension to the Transition Period and this was a promise which must be kept in all circumstances.
- Our Director, Jayne Adye has written for our website breaking down the Civil Service Brexit Blockade.
- Senior Research Executive Joshua Mackenzie-Lawrie has written for Comment Central asking Can Anyone Lead Labour to a 2024 victory?
- Joshua has also written for The Commentator looking at The vital Royal role in post-Brexit, Global Britain.
- Dr Lee Rotherham has written an article for our website talking about his new Museum of Brexit - NOTE – if you have anything you would like to donate to the Brexit Museum or you have storage space available please do get in touch via [email protected] so we can help to get things organised .
- As promised we wrote to Boris Johnson and his Government to raise the questions we had on the UK’s future participation in EU defence and security programmes. You can read our letter HERE.
- Read here the full UK negotiating position for trade deal talks with the USA – Gov.UK
- British Airways in battle for 'survival' over coronavirus – The Daily Mail - We must not in - the aftermath of Brexit - allow our flagship airline to collapse.
- Summary of Budget 2020: Key points at-a-glance – BBC News
- USA End its Ban on British Beef – Get Britain Out
- Brexit: EU drafts trade deal ahead of talks with UK – BBC News
- Our worst-case scenario is Britain's too': German fears for fishing industry – The Guardian
- Pro-Brexit business lobby group launched after pro-Remain CBI is sidelined by Boris Johnson – The Sunday Telegraph
- Sir Keir Starmer won't rule out campaigning to rejoin EU – The Sunday Mirror
- Is the BBC part of a plot to topple Priti? – The Conservative Woman
That’s all for this e-Bulletin. Please keep yourselves as safe as possible and follow the instructions Boris Johnson and the senior medical advisors are giving to us all about this virus. It’s clearly nothing to do with Brexit, but we will continue to give you important information where necessary.
Best wishes from Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team at Get Britain Out
P.S. Please don’t forget, we really need your help with donations to make sure we secure the best Brexit for the United Kingdom in the ongoing trade negotiations with the European Union and the rest of the world.
Hopefully we will secure the best free trade deal with the EU (unless they want to cut off their noses to spite their faces) – or a ‘NO DEAL’ on WTO terms if they mess us around. Unfortunately we cannot do this without money to pay for our office and the salaries of my very few staff. All donations are gratefully appreciated. Every £ counts. Thank you to everyone who is able to help, although we realise it is not possible for everyone.
Donations can be made via bank transfer, bank standing order, cheque or PayPal – all the details are HERE.
PLEASE NOTE: Cheques should be payable to The EU Referendum Campaign Limited and not Get Britain Out please. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations (unless via PayPal) - or foreign currency cheques. With such a small team, we cannot personally thank all of those who donate to the campaign, but your contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like an acknowledgement, please provide your e-mail address.
P.P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people. There are many who will also want to be more informed.
Please encourage all your family and friends to continue to support Get Britain Out and circulate this e-Bulletin to all their friends while we continue the fight. Brexit is not over yet - we have much more to do before we get the free trade deal with EU and to help the UK’s future global success.
Anyone not already signed up for our free fortnightly e-Bulletins can do so HERE.
Remember, you can also get daily information and comments, plus press links, via our social media – Facebook and Twitter. There are also daily links to Brexit press articles on our website (once my staff are in the office Monday to Friday) via this link HERE. For updates on our Recommended Reading, you can find them via this link HERE.
A MASSIVE thank-you, as always, to everyone who helps us try and secure the Best Brexit for our nation. We will not stop our work until we are completely free of the constraints of the EU. With a small team, we are unable to answer queries at length, so if you do send us brief comments, they should be sent to: [email protected]. We can only reply briefly, but if it is urgent, please put URGENT in the Subject Line.
Huge thanks again to everyone. GET BRITAIN OUT will continue to fight for as long as it takes to try and make sure we get the best relationship and free trade deal with our close neighbours in the EU - as well as with countries around the world - for our THE UNITED KINGDOM’S GLOBAL FUTURE.