I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe right now during the Coronavirus outbreak. I know that this is a public health crisis, and we are committed to keeping our communities safe during this difficult time. But, it also won't stop us from continuing to work towards protecting the Boundary Waters from the impacts of toxic copper mining. There are still things we can do right now to protect this special place for generations to come.
My name is Ingrid -- I’m the Development Director at the Campaign and of course, I love the Boundary Waters. I’m also not from Minnesota, so I get frustrated when people say that protecting America’s most visited Wilderness is a Minnesota-only issue. I beg to differ. The Boundary Waters is public land and belongs to everyone. Folks from all over the country love it dearly; the Campaign has donor advocates from every state and even a handful of countries.
You can help protect this special place no matter where you are from. Join the community of Boundary Waters advocates by making a gift to the Campaign today - plus your gift will be doubled when you give in March!
In case you’re wondering, I’m from New York City and spent my summers pondering how one place could have so much concrete and another could have so much water. I wrote my college application essay on how I could read both the New York Subway map and a Boundary Waters map by the age of 12.
Places like the Boundary Waters matter to so many different kinds of people. Consider making a contribution to protect this Wilderness for everyone who already loves it, and everyone who hasn’t had the opportunity to experience it yet.
With gratitude,
Ingrid Lyons
Development Director
Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters
P.S. Now is a great time to give because we’re still in our March Match. That means that if you give before the end of the month, your dollars will be doubled!

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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States