
I’m sure you’ve seen the press, but Eventbrite is now under investigation. The House Energy & Commerce and Senate Commerce sent a bicameral letter to Eventbrite last night on the issues we have raised and their unfair treatment of our staffers. 

After our External Relations Team spent countless hours setting up background calls, testifying, and sharing the stories of women like Riley Gaines, Chloe Cole, and Michele Evans getting canceled by Eventbrite, our voices and concerns are being heard.

We took swift and immediate action to ensure the bigotry, unfairness, and unwarranted cancelation was thoroughly reviewed and investigated by Congress. Because if we don’t — the silencing of our principles and voices will continue and we won’t stand for that.

These efforts were made possible by the diligent and countless efforts of many: the women here at Independent Women’s Forum, our allies on the Hill and, of course, YOU. 

As we continue to push for fair and equal treatment, I encourage you to continue your support because we can’t do it without you. Your investment fuels our work to shine a hot spotlight on big tech companies and the selective and unfair application of their community guidelines and terms of service. 
Our speech can't and won’t be stifled. 

Between now and the end of the year every dollar you donate will be DOUBLED. A generous investor has agreed to match your donation — dollar for dollar. So you will have DOUBLE the impact and your investment goes TWICE as far. 

Thank you for considering Independent Women’s Forum in your year-end giving plan. Your donation will go to our continued fight for free speech and against bigotry and cancel culture. Whatever you can invest is much appreciated — $5, $25, $250, $1,000 or more. 

Yours in the fight, 

Andi Bottner
Vice President of External Relations
Independent Women’s Forum

Ps. A reminder that your donation is tax-deductible.