Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Team — 

The road to the White House runs right through Arizona. If we’re going to continue to build on the progress and re-elect President Biden, we have to first get him on the ballot.

With just three days left until the filing deadline, we need your help today. Can you pitch in $10 or more right now to help us get President Biden on the ballot in Arizona before the deadline passes?


Once we officially get President Biden on the ballot, it’ll be all-hands-on-deck in order to reach every community in every county.

Last night’s Republican debate made one thing clear: we absolutely cannot go back to a national, conservative agenda that only works for the wealthiest among us. The GOP’s extremely partisan and unpopular agenda would include a national ban on abortion, ending affordable healthcare, and using their power to attack teachers and classrooms in baseless culture wars that distract us from the issues at hand.

Republicans have spent the last YEAR with a majority in the House and have done NOTHING to benefit the American people. They can’t lead. They don’t have an agenda that works for working families. And we can’t sit on our heels here.

Team — Arizona will be the nation’s premier battleground state next fall, will you pitch in $10 or more today to help us get President Biden on the ballot for next November?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:


Thank you, friend!

— Team ADP