Congress must take action immediately to help working families.


Senate Democrats just tried to pass an emergency paid sick leave bill to address the fallout from the coronavirus, but it was blocked by Senate Republicans.

We are in the midst of a pandemic and Senate Republicans are playing with people’s lives who have been affected by the coronavirus.

I’ve been fighting to pass this bill that would have immediately guaranteed workers 14 days of paid sick leave, and workers would also accrue up to seven sick days over the course of a year.

This is outrageous. Congress must take action immediately to help working families during this pandemic. If you agree, will you join us?

Add your name to tell the Senate to pass paid sick leave to help Americans affected by coronavirus. We have an obligation to help those affected and Congress must step up and take action today.


Democrats have been trying to pass sick leave measures for years and have succeeded in the House. But Mitch McConnell’s majority in the Senate has prevented these bills from coming up for a vote.

The American people need to know that their elected leaders are fighting for them and trying to make this difficult time easier for working families.

Many people who don’t have paid leave through their jobs will inevitably miss work due to being sick or quarantined in the coming weeks, that’s why passing paid sick leave right now is essential to maintaining public health.

Kamala is going to continue fighting to give us the resources we need to get through this together.

If you are with her, will you click below and add your name to demand the Senate take action now?


Thank you for signing on,

Team Kamala