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Enough With the Retro Reagan Cliches

Kurt Schlichter

The Left's Criminal Neglect of Law and Order

Spencer Brown

The Pure Evil of the Democrat Party

Derek Hunter

How Were the Universities Lost?

Victor Davis Hanson

Facebook Groomers, CNN Travel Writers Do Not Want You to Travel, and the Airing of Grievances

Brad Slager

This Chanukah, Let's Vow to Defeat Our New Oppressors: Higher Education

Josh Hammer

Let Them Eat Chicken

Cal Thomas

Biden Lies Preposterously About Meeting His Son Hunter's Clients

Tim Graham

A Short History of Joe's Long Record of Lying About Biden Inc.

David Harsanyi

Mayhem Strikes California Christmas Parade

Matt Vespa

With Hunter Biden Indicted Again, We’re in for a Legal Circus in 2024

Matt Vespa

This Is Who Melania Trump Is Reportedly Pushing for Her Husband's VP, and It's Not Surprising

Sarah Arnold

Hunter Biden Hit With Nine New Indictments

Sarah Arnold

Massive Arizona Surge Results In Thousands of Illegally Migrants Storming the U.S.

Sarah Arnold

UPenn Loses a $100 Million Donation Over Its President's Kill All the Jews Trip-Up

Matt Vespa

CNN Caught Editing Trump Clip to Fit Their Leftist Agenda

Sarah Arnold

For True Evil, Look Not to Israel or America but to Communism

Michael Barone

The Leftist Ploy for Worldwide Dominance

Jeff Davidson

Blinken’s Stinking Thinking

Jeff Davidson

What Should Happen When Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Take Over the Roads

Veronique de Rugy

My Take On the Horrific UNLV Shooting

Amanda Johnson

6 Extremely Stubborn Facts About the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis

Adam Turner

You Say You Want an Intifada, Part II

Alan Joseph Bauer

Grass Roots Liberty Force Emerges in Virginia

Jonathan Emord

So Far Past the Rubicon

Erick Erickson

An Amazing Story of Redemption Out of Pearl Harbor

Jerry Newcombe

The Hilarious Way This Republican Is Spreading Christmas Cheer to the Biden Family

Sarah Arnold

North Carolina Democrat Will Not Seek Reelection

Madeline Leesman

The Banner That Flew Over Harvard After Its President Endorsed Jewish Genocide Was Spectacular

Matt Vespa

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Florida Cops 'Confiscated' Ammo From Law-Abiding Folks |
Senate Democrats Resurrect Merchant Codes for Gun Stores |
This is why Ranges are Touchy About Gun Safety |
Why 10-Round Limits Are a Terrible Idea |
Right on Cue, Democrat Senator Blasts Republicans Over Assault Weapon Ban |
A Frustrating Anniversary and a Looming Deadline |