Dear John,
In these challenging times, we're facing a season of giving amidst financial struggles for many. Over ¼ of Americans are still grappling with last year's Christmas debt, a consequence of wages failing to keep pace with Biden's inflation. Liberal policies are exacerbating financial hardships for over two-thirds of the nation.
Conservatives champion the underprivileged and marginalized, historically leading movements like Abolition, and Women's Suffrage, and we marched with Dr. Martin Luther King for civil rights against Dixiecrat segregationists, but these are facts the Left wants to bury.
There was a time when both major political parties predominantly believed in American core values, our Constitution, and Capitalism but the Left-wing extremists have made moderate viewpoints an anathema as they fight for a complete transformation of our government in favor of a Marxist America.
While self-described Marxists drive transformational policy through the Biden Administration, they are taking a wrecking ball to our Economy, our Constitution, and our way of life.