Remembering the history of Pearl Harbor is our patriotic duty
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I wanted to make sure you saw this message.

There’s simply no way to underestimate the impact the attack on Pearl Harbor had on our nation’s history. And as patriotic Americans, it is imperative for us to know the history of Pearl Harbor so we can honor the service and sacrifice of those who lost their lives that day — and all of the brave heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country.

So please: Will you take our quiz now to test your knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack and honor the service members who defend our freedoms?

Thank you for honoring those who serve.

—Mary English Bell, USO

From: qu‌iz‌@u‌so‌.‌o‌rg
Sent: We‌dn‌esd‌ay, D‌ecem‌ber ‌6, 2‌02‌3
Subject: Test your Pearl Harbor knowledge today >>


Mary English, tomorrow, we commemorate a dark day in American history: when Japanese planes launched a surprise aerial attack on Pearl Harbor that killed over 2,000 service members and led our nation into WWII.

The tragic loss of life on that Sunday morning provides us with a solemn reminder that those who serve put their lives at risk every time they put on their uniforms — even when our nation is not at war.

To remember the service members who served and sacrificed at Pearl Harbor and its aftermath, we put together a quiz to give you a chance to learn more about this pivotal piece of history. Will you take our quiz now to test your knowledge of this critical day in our nation’s history?

Most Pearl Harbor deaths
came from the sinking
of which battleship?

USS Oklahoma // USS Wisconsin // USS West Virginia // USS Arizona

Thank you.

—The USO