Here’s what happened at CareFest

Hi John, 

So many of us care for ourselves and others in quiet isolation. That’s because our society often fails to recognize the “invisible” work of care.

Recognizing the need to elevate care to the status it deserves, our team at Caring Across Generations and partners across the movement just hosted our first-ever national conference – CareFest.

We brought 500 leaders in entertainment, philanthropy, business, and government together with advocates from across the country to collaborate on what the future of care will look like. We set the stage for making it a national priority in 2024 and beyond.

Two women standing on stage.

CareFest was not just an event. It was an intentional space to exchange ideas, strategies, and opportunities – all designed to elevate care as a shared priority and responsibility. It gave us a window to see a better future for care, but there’s still so much work to be done. 

Now, let’s take the care conversation into our communities, the national media, Hollywood, every policy arena, and social media. With your donation, you can help us drive change for caregivers and all of us who rely on care in 2024.


I know our generation will change the way care is valued in the U.S., but to do so, it will take all of us.  

Let's take all our momentum, and make sure care is front and center. 

Together, we can make sure no one feels isolated or alone – and move toward a future where care is recognized, valued, and supported.

With care,

Ai-jen Poo, Co-Founder and Executive Director

Caring Across Generations

PS:  Your donation can help us:

✅ Amplify care stories

✅ Advocate for policy change

✅ Build a strong care community

✅ Raise awareness

A gift to Caring Across Generations helps us win affordable child care, paid leave, and accessible long-term home and community care for all. Because #CareCantWait for families in the U.S.

Caring Across Generations




45 Broadway‌ - New York, NY‌ 10006 United States
