Weekly Reads
"The best learning occurs when funders set parameters and offer thoughtful input, yet hand the measurement reins to the people whose daily work will benefit from the information sought." [more]
– David Schorr, on CEP blog
“Direct funding to support coronavirus response and research is only one part of what’s needed. Foundations focused on a broad array of causes need to consider the impact the crisis could have on our communities and the nonprofits that serve them.” [more]
—By Antony Bugg-Levine, Nonprofit Finance Fund, in Chronicle of Philanthropy
“As the coronavirus spreads in our communities, governments must mount a fair and effective response that maintains public trust, is grounded in science, and leaves no individual – particularly the vulnerable – behind. This will not only better protect the health and security of each of us, but also the economy.” [more]
– Gregg Gonsalves, Yale Law School
"Any natural disaster or public health emergency always takes an increased toll on those groups who were marginalized or excluded before the emergency. [...] Yet, community and individual resiliency – the ability to use available resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations – can be actively promoted by philanthropy and others in the social sector." [more]
– Lauren A. Smith, FSG blog