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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | December 7, 2023
For over 20 years, Animal Outlook has been the leader in exposing the truth of what happens to the living beings trapped in the animal agriculture industry. We’ve peeled back the secrecy the industry has tried so hard to maintain to tell these animals’ heartbreaking stories like never seen before, all in an effort to create a vegan world where they don’t have to suffer the fates of this cruel system.

But what do the numbers look like behind our investigations? Here’s a breakdown:
  • 46 - Animal Outlook has completed nearly four dozen investigations that uncover the reality of life for animals at all stages of animal agriculture from hatcheries to transportation trucks, to slaughterhouses across the United States.
  • 4,000 - Our investigators have spent a combined total of over 4,000 hours undercover, documenting abuses and helping the public understand the truth of what happens behind the walls of the system.
  • 2,500,000+ - We’ve borne witness to over 2.5 million animals, documenting their stories and sharing the footage of their journeys with the world. These animals, including pigs on transport trucks, chickens in slaughterhouses, and fish in large, indoor facilities, were all unique individuals deserving of more compassion than they received.  
  • Untold millions -  From corporate changes ending some of the cruelest farming practices, to legal precedents to protect these animals in courtrooms, to inspiring countless vegan journeys as a result of our investigations, millions of animals have benefited from the work that you have made possible. Will you continue to make an impact for animals by supporting this critical work today?
Show my support
If those numbers weren’t impressive enough, here are a few that illustrate how easy it is to make a true difference for all these beings:
  • $100,000 - Our current holiday matching campaign, made possible by a small group of generous supporters. When you make your gift today it will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, until we reach our $100,000 goal. Now is your chance to double your impact.
  • $20 - If everyone reading this message donated $20 today, we could fund our entire investigations program for 2024. That’s several brand new investigations that hold corporations accountable and make life better for millions of animals, for about the price of next month’s Netflix subscription.
  • 1 - It only takes one minute to make a true impact for animals. Will you make that moment be this one?
Donate $20 now
Whether you share the stories of animals in agriculture, donate to our next investigation, or save lives by leaving animals off your plate, thank you for all you do to help Animal Outlook create a kinder world for animals. We couldn’t do this without you.

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. From now until December 31st, every gift is matched until we reach our $100,000. Don’t miss out on doubling the impact of your gift. Thank you to our generous supporters, including Dr. Bronner’s, for making this matching campaign possible.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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