November AVFCA Blog Posts!
In case you missed our articles published in November by A Voice for Choice Advocacy writers, links are below...Be sure to sign up for AVFCA's Substack to get these weekly articles https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com or check our Blog https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/blog.
A Beginner’s Reference to Magnesium: An Essential Mineral for Proper Body Functioning
Magnesium is a mineral needed for multiple body functions. Deficiency is a problem for lots of people in the U.S.—linked to serious health issues. There are many types to choose from, so plucking a bottle off the store shelf can be confusing. Fortunately, it is also attainable through a variety of healthy foods.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/a-beginners-reference-to-magnesium-an-essential-mineral-for-proper-body-functioning/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/a-beginners-reference-to-magnesium
Recycling Your Plastic: Getting to the Heart of the “Matter”
Recycling plastics may seem like a good thing, and while it’s not black and white, there are concerns to be aware of. Toxicity in recycled plastics has been documented, including dangers from recycled plastics that are mixed with “virgin” plastics. When big business and big bucks are at the core of an industry, it’s always wise to search beyond the obvious.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/recycling-your-plastic-getting-to-the-heart-of-the-matter/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/recycling-your-plastic-getting-to
Fluoride From Your Water, Food, and Toothpaste May Be Disrupting Your Inner Ecosystem
Fluoride has long been touted as beneficial to fighting cavities, so much so that it’s added to the drinking water of many municipalities. But fluoride accumulates in the body, and the long-term health effects can be damaging, including joint pain, arthritis, and lower IQ.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/fluoride-from-your-water-food-and-toothpaste/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/fluoride-from-your-water-food-and
Ivermectin Uncensored: The Story the Headlines Won't Tell You
History of ivermectin: creation, intentions, and uses. The FDA’s “yay” then “nay,” and the barriers to access. The unique versatility of this “semisynthetic” drug has been highlighted, as well as many studies detailing its efficacy. Implications with ivermectin and COVID-19 were addressed, as was the research on cancer.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/ivermectin-uncensored-the-story-the-headlines-wont-tell-you/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/ivermectin-uncensored-the-story-the
Microdosing With Psilocybin and MDMA for Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Psilocybin, aka “magic mushrooms,” along with MDMA, aka “ecstasy,” are being used in therapeutic clinical settings to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Major Depressive Disorder. Coined “microdosing,” using just a tiny amount of these substances in conjunction with psychotherapy has been shown to improve mental health conditions.
AVFCA Blog: https://avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/microdosing-with-psilocybin-and-mdma/
Substack: https://avoiceforchoice.substack.com/p/microdosing-with-psilocybin-and-mdma
During the second half of November, AVFCA brought awareness to specific observance days by sharing our original stories that matched these themes:
World Fisheries Day: “Farmed-Raised vs. Wild Salmon: Exploring Health Benefits and Risks of Toxicity”
Farmed-raised vs. wild salmon was explored. From feeding to fishing in the farms, “other ingredients,” including “soybean oil, red dye, and pollutants” were uncovered—NOT what salmon is supposed to eat, and not good for human health. In contrast, the known health benefits of consuming salmon from wild Alaska, where farming is not permitted was examined. https://tinyurl.com/AVFCA-SALMON
Our team also reads hundreds of articles each week, and those of interest are shared on our social media platforms. However, once or twice a week, our team reads an article that is profound or shares a perspective that is new or from an expert that AVFCA feels should be highlighted. These articles are shared on our Substack.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
