As you know, the WHO recently declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. As a result, we’re modifying our operations at Population Connection to prioritize the health and safety of our staff and volunteers. We are also committed to doing what we can to help "flatten the transmission curve" of the virus as part of our responsibility to the community at large.
Earlier this week, we made the unprecedented decision to cancel our annual Capitol Hill Days lobbying event, which was scheduled to take place at the end of March. All staff travel is currently suspended, and staff will work remotely beginning Monday, March 16th.
We're doing our best to minimize any disruptions to our program initiatives, and as a member and supporter, you should see little change to our activities. Should you need to call our office, please be aware that our main phone lines will direct all calls to voicemail during this time. These voicemail boxes will be regularly monitored and staff will return calls as quickly as possible. Email communications should be unaffected.
Rest assured, we’re well equipped to continue making progress towards our 2020 goals. We’re making use of digital tools to allow us to reach teachers, students, activists, and others with our message so that we can move forward in this pivotal year. It is my hope that this disruption will be short lived and that our efforts to aid in minimizing the strain on our health care system will be part of a collective action that saves lives in the weeks and months ahead.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m grateful to you for your understanding and for your untiring support.
Best wishes,

John Seager
President & CEO