URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Tell Congress to save 4 MILLION TONS of carbon emissions every year by passing the EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act! Send your message now!

Many small and sustainable farmers are struggling to make ends meet. They are forced to compete with the low-quality foods produced by big multinational food corporations that fuel climate change and mistreat workers. It doesn’t help that the federal government purchases BILLIONS of dollars of food each year from bad actors like Tyson Foods. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture spent nearly $250 MILLION dollars with Tyson Foods in one year despite its 27 SERIOUS VIOLATIONS of federal labor laws in the past three years.

The EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act would transform federal food purchasing to reduce emissions, promote organic agriculture, and support small-scale producers. This bill will help promote climate-friendly food and support small, sustainable farms. We need you to tell your Members of Congress to make sure it passes!

Friend, tell Congress to ensure your taxes support sustainable food producers, not Big Ag corporations! Sign the petition now! >>

*214 more signatures needed from your area*

Imagine you’re a small farmer who prides yourself on regenerative farming techniques. You work hard to feed your community and honor the environment in the process. But you’re getting beat out by big corporate food producers creating low-quality food that is fueling the destruction of our environment. To make matters worse, your own hard-earned tax dollars are supporting your competitors. This is reality for many farmers.

New guidelines for federal purchasing would help ensure our money is supporting emissions reductions, including by increasing low-carbon plant-based meals. In fact, this shift could save the equivalent emissions of every car in Mississippi.

Will you send a message to Congress to pass the EFFECTIVE Food Procurement Act and slash emissions from federal food purchasing?

Standing with you,
Chloë Waterman
Climate-friendly food senior program manager,
Friends of the Earth
