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TalkPoverty Weekly
Friday, March 13, 2020

andrew cuomo walking in a jail
The Dirty Secret of New York’s Coronavirus Response: Prison Labor
by s.e. smith
Incarcerated people are banned from using the hand sanitizer they’re producing.

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people on subway
5 Infrastructure Principles for a Fiscal Stimulus Response to Coronavirus
by Kevin DeGood
From our partner, the Center for American Progress: It’s important that the federal government make smart investments to maximize the social, economic, and environmental benefits of any infrastructure investment.

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sunset over street
States and Local Governments Can Help Protect Workers and Small Businesses From the Economic Impacts of the Coronavirus
By Andy Green
From our partner, the Center for American Progress: There are basic policy steps that state and local policymakers can take immediately to help local economies and working families weather the coronavirus outbreak.

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The Economics of the Coronavirus
Jared Bernstein unpacks the economics of the Coronavirus pandemic — and the economic policies that are needed to protect workers, families, and the economy as a whole. Plus, Kat Calvin on the story behind Spread the Vote, which helps get people ID.

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What We’re Reading
The Mothering Fight. The conversation about where and how you have your baby is fraught. Home midwives say they are being cut out of policy conversations, but they'll keep pushing. Another group of mothers is reshaping the fight for fair housing by rooting housing as a human right, even in one of the most expensive cities in the country.

Up On The Farm. When you own an $800,000 tractor, you might think you should be able to repair it yourself. You can't. Meanwhile, some farmers seeking bailout funds from the USDA have engaged in fraud, but it didn't stop the Trump administration from paying out, violating their own policy even as they pushed for tighter restrictions on recipients of Medicaid, SNAP, and related programs.

Look Again. Journalists with Slate and the Marshall Project surveyed incarcerated people for their opinions on voting and politics. Speaking of conversational gaps, “deaths of despair” are more diverse than they are often depicted.

Dear Khloe
Black woman with buns

When St. Clair Detrick-Jules' sister was bullied at school for her natural hair, it inspired a photo project documenting Black women navigating hair, stereotypes, and culture. You can see more images from the book, due out in May, with this interview.

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