
Together with people like you, Unto® works alongside international partners like Harim* — serving in hard-to-reach areas to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people who have never heard about Jesus.

After leaving South Sudan during the civil war, Harim returned to his home country to tell the people in his village about Jesus. But instead of a warm reception, he faced extreme resistance. The people ran him out of town and threatened to kill him if he ever came back — simply because he followed Jesus.

Despite the risks Harim kept going back. He discovered the key to gaining access to his community was providing them with lifesaving humanitarian aid.

Harim’s village had no church, no school, and no clean water.

The people’s only source of water for miles was a dirty lake. The water was so contaminated that it was killing people.

The local Unto staff team partnered with Harim to drill a well in his home village and everything changed. At the well-opening ceremony, the "JESUS" film was shown, and over 100 people responded to the message!

You can be part of a story like this one by providing families with lifesaving humanitarian aid and opportunities to learn about Jesus. Would you consider a generous gift to help where most urgently needed today?

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