House likely to vote next week to formalize its Biden impeachment inquiry - NBC News

Republicans said the House will likely vote to formalize their evidence-less impeachment inquiry into President Biden next week.

This stunt is not worthy of the House’s time, energy and expense. For months, Republicans have treated Congress like a game and used our government to protect their own extremist agenda.

To continue to mount a ridiculous impeachment inquiry against President Biden based on not a single shred of evidence is unpatriotic and undermines the serious role the House of Representatives plays in our democracy’s balance of power.

Add your name to tell House Republicans to stop this baseless impeachment inquiry and get back to actually governing! →  
Let me be clear, I know what a true, evidence based impeachment process looks like. Fellow House Democrats and I had developed overwhelming amounts of evidence towards Donald Trump’s misconduct. While House Republicans have no concrete evidence of any misconduct.

Ever since taking the House majority, Republicans have done nothing but play partisan games and cause chaos at the cost of the American people. They are more focused on their political gain and pushing an agenda of authoritarianism and polarization.

It’s unacceptable – House Democrats are trying to deliver real results and prioritize the needs of the people, and it's time for Republicans to start doing the same.

Sign on if you agree that this impeachment inquiry is a waste of time and Republicans need to start putting the people over their own agendas.

Thank you for making your voice heard.




As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler has oversight over some of the most important issues facing America. As a strong progressive, Jerry believes in justice for all and a democracy that represents people, not special interests. He is proud to fight for his New York City constituents in Congress. Click here to chip in and help Jerry keep fighting for a democracy that lives up to its ideals.


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