Pinecrest to pay $10 million for tranquil 'Mas property' for a new village park

The Pinecrest Village Council hears from an unhappy resident on Nov. 14 regarding the $10 million purchase of property for a new park.

By William Gjebre,

A five-acre tract of exotic trees and plants, trails, a lagoon, and large house commonly known as the Mas property is likely to become a park for the south end of Pinecrest. The village council recently approved an agreement with the representative of the “hidden” owner to acquire the site for $10 million.

An addendum in the purchase agreement in which the property owner agreed to cut $3.9 million from the highest market appraisals of $13.9 million in exchange for the right to name the park complex is probably the best indicator linking the tract to the Mas family, according to village officials negotiating the accord.

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