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Enough With the Retro Reagan Cliches

Kurt Schlichter

Democrats Stunned to Find Out Not Everyone Loves Them

Kurt Schlichter

The Left's Criminal Neglect of Law and Order

Spencer Brown

The Pure Evil of the Democrat Party

Derek Hunter

Time Mag Turns Swifty With Person of the Year

Brad Slager

Haley Vows War With Iran, China, Russia and TikTok

Ann Coulter

Let Them Eat Chicken

Cal Thomas

Israel vs. Hamas: Where Have All the Feminists Gone?

Larry Elder

No Freedom Without Virtue, Part One

Mark Lewis

Fourth GOP Debate Could Summed Up With These Three Words

Matt Vespa

Megyn Kelly Reminds Chris Christie How Much Voters Hate Him During Fourth Debate

Sarah Arnold

The Ridiculous Measure This Progressive 'Squad' Member Just Announced Regarding the 2024 Election

Sarah Arnold

We Have a Final Casualty Report for the UNLV Mass Shooting

Matt Vespa

California Retailers Must Have a Gender-Neutral Toys Section Or Risk Being Fined

Sarah Arnold

AOC's Bizarre Comments Regarding Trans Athletes Confirms the Democratic Party Is As Dumb As They Look

Sarah Arnold

Major Liberal City Faces Worst Year Ever of Overdose Deaths

Sarah Arnold

The Leftist Ploy for Worldwide Dominance

Jeff Davidson

Blinken’s Stinking Thinking

Jeff Davidson

What Should Happen When Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Take Over the Roads

Veronique de Rugy

Hating God

Laura Hollis

An Amazing Story of Redemption Out of Pearl Harbor

Jerry Newcombe

You Say You Want an Intifada, Part I

Alan Joseph Bauer

There Are No ‘Innocent Palestinians’

D.W. Wilber

Taking Sides in the Face of Tragedy: The Moral Imperative of Engagement

Armstrong Williams

The Weather, the Environment, and the War Against Hamas

Jonathan Feldstein

The Meaning of an Astronaut’s Passing

Grant Anderson

Crybaby Eric Swalwell Claims 'Nobody' Has Been A 'Bigger Victim' Than Him

Sarah Arnold

The Border Crisis Just Broke Another Insane Record

Katie Pavlich

Why Are Chuck Schumer and Kamala Harris So Happy?

Rebecca Downs

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Federal Judge Halts Enforcement of New Mexico Governor's Ban on Carry in Parks |
Three Charged With Machine Gun Possession in Illinois |
Israel Approving 'Up to 3,000' Gun Applications Daily |
Historian Claims Founding Fathers Discouraged Americans From Buying the Guns They Wanted |
Your 'Right To Feel Safe' Versus My 'Right To Feel Safe' |
Gun Groups Respond to King's GOSAFE Act |