One million public FOI requests on WhatDoTheyKnow
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** News and updates
** December 2023
** 1,000,000 public Freedom of Information requests
WhatDoTheyKnow homepage showing the million counter, together with some 'tada' emojis
One million public requests for information on WhatDoTheyKnow — we'd call that a cause for celebration!
Find out what that crucial millionth request was, and what this big number means for FOI in the UK, in our blog post here ([link removed]) .
** mySociety anniversary awards
Myf and Zarino presenting the mySociety anniversary awards in front of a giant lit-up 20
We held mySociety's 20th anniversary celebrations last month. It was a chance to catch up with figures from mySociety's past, present and future — and we also presented awards to recognise five exceptional uses of our services.
It was quite the night. You can find out who won in each category in our rundown of the event here ([link removed]) . And don't miss our Chief Exec Louise's entertaining and informative speech ([link removed]) !
** Like what you see? Be a part of it!
A million FOI requests; twenty years of innovation — we're in a pretty good place at mySociety. But there's still lots more to do.
We're looking for new trustees and Non-Executive Directors to help steer our direction - a great opportunity to use your expertise for good. These voluntary roles use just a few hours of your time each month, but are crucial to our success as an organisation.
Read more and find out if these positions would suit your skillset ([link removed]) .
** Who makes FixMyStreet reports... and why
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From SocietyWorks: a fascinating report looking at FixMyStreet's users: where do people make reports, what kind of issues are they reporting... and who is the typical FixMyStreet user? Maybe it's you!
Find out all the answers in the report, which is free to download here ([link removed]) .
** Your donations help us run projects like these
If you're reading this newsletter, the chances are that you see the value in mySociety's work — thank you.
Donations are part of what makes that possible, so if you're able, please consider making a contribution today.
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** What we're reading (and listening to)
* Surely everyone's glued to the Reith Lectures on the future of democracy ([link removed]) .
* And while you're on iPlayer, Radio 4 also covered the Post Office scandal ([link removed]) , something we've written about ([link removed]) too.
* Why the next election is going to be SO digital ([link removed] ) , and a solution for political disinformation ([link removed]) .
* Top marks for the name of this new 'rate a landlord' project ([link removed]) .
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