Thanks to the support of folks like you on this people-powered team, we defied all the odds, proving the political pundits and naysayers wrong, to win our runoff election. We kept Georgia blue and secured the Senate majority for Democrats.
I’ll never lose sight of what that victory felt like. What it meant. As a kid who grew up in public housing – with 11 brothers and sisters and parents who were short on money but long on love and faith – I could only ever dream of becoming Georgia’s first Black senator. Thank you.
But I’m also reaching out today because you understand well the urgency of our elections. Our razor-thin Senate majority is once again on the line, with just about every election expert out there calling Democrats’ path to holding the Senate the most difficult it’s ever been.
Well, they said that about Georgia. They said it would be near impossible for us to flip it blue. But we did because people like you never stopped believing and never stopped fighting – chipping in $5 or whatever they could afford because you believed change was possible. So today, I’m coming to you again because I promised Kirsten Gillibrand in New York that I’d help them raise $25,000 before midnight so they can win their battleground race and keep the Senate blue.