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Hi there,
As we head toward the end of the year, I’ve been reflecting on everything the Vote Forward community has accomplished in 2023:
- We started off the year writing to Wisconsin voters ahead of the April state Supreme Court election, encouraging Wisconsinites to vote for their next state Supreme Court justice—an election with lasting consequences for the future of fair maps, abortion access, and more in the Badger State.
- Then, we wrote to women voters in Ohio before the August special election, where an anti-democratic amendment was on the ballot.
- Heading into the November elections, we wrote to more Ohio voters to inform them about a crucial ballot initiative to protect reproductive freedom, and to Virginia voters who were voting to elect state senators and delegates in every seat in the commonwealth’s General Assembly.
In total, this community wrote more than 1.15 million letters to voters across the country this year—and in 2024, we're going even bigger! [Chip in today to help our team finalize next year's campaigns so we can launch in early 2024!]([link removed])
We’ll be crunching the numbers on the impact of our 2023 campaigns over the next few months, but in each of these elections—especially those that came down to a margin of a few hundred or thousand votes—reaching as many voters as possible was critical.
Each voter you wrote to this year may have cast the deciding vote in an election that will have a lasting impact on our democracy.
As we always say, our democracy works best when everyone participates. This is certainly true for voters, but it’s also true for letter writers like so many of you, writing to your fellow citizens! And this year, thanks to so much generous grassroots support for our Free Stamps & Letter Kits program, we were able to make letter writing possible for even more volunteers who would have otherwise been unable to participate. Participants in this program wrote more than 75,000 letters thanks to these free supplies.
I am so proud of and grateful for this community’s dedication to not only reaching voters through your own letter writing, but your generous support for other letter writers in this community.
Looking toward 2024, we’re hard at work preparing even bigger and better letter writing campaigns, and we’ll need your support to make them possible.
[If you can, consider making a donation to Vote Forward to help fund the development of our 2024 campaigns, more innovative experiments, and initiatives like our Free Stamps & Letter Kits program that make it possible for this community to grow.]([link removed])
[Chip in today]([link removed])
Once again, thank you for all of your hard work this year. There’s still plenty more to do, and being a part of this community brings me so much optimism about the future of our democracy.
Yasmin Radjy
Executive Director
Vote Forward
P.S. We recently released new findings from our 2022 letter writing campaigns! If you haven’t seen them yet, check them out at [votefwd.org/impact]([link removed]).
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