Just a week ago, House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington held his first hearing on the proposed debt commission, which seeks to cut trillions of dollars from critical programs and services while raising no new revenue from those who can afford to pay more: millionaires, billionaires, and corporations.
And, in his first remarks as speaker this fall, Mike Johnson singled out the debt commission as a top priority.
Conservatives’ proposal of a closed-door commission is a real threat to the future of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and more. And now they’ve floated the idea of demanding their debt commission in exchange for keeping the government running next month.
Write to your members of Congress right now and demand no debt commission that cuts trillions of dollars from critical programs. Instead of cuts, Congress should be investing in low-income families, the aging, and people with disabilities by making the rich and corporations pay their fair share.
We’ve already sent more than 100,000 messages to members of Congress demanding no closed-door commissions that cut critical programs for low-income and working people. But we need to keep the pressure on.
Instead of a fiscal commission to cut critical programs for those most in need, we’re demanding Congress make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share!
Thank you,
Meredith Dodson Senior Director of Public Policy, Coalition on Human Needs
Congress has just over one month until government funding starts running out. And, after hosting a hearing last week, House Budget Committee Chair Jodey Arrington is now floating the idea of demanding a so-called debt commission in exchange for keeping the government running.1
Chairman Arrington’s own budget proposal seeks to cut $5.4 trillion from essential human needs programs while raising no new revenue from the rich and corporations.2
Conservatives in Congress want to use a debt commission to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and more behind closed doors so that voters won’t know who to blame, while also protecting tax breaks for the wealthy. We’re fighting back!
Write to Congress now and demand no closed-door commission in exchange for keeping the government running. Instead of cuts to critical programs, Congress should raise new revenue from millionaires, billionaires, and large profitable corporations.
The right-wing wants to try to cut our way to “prosperity”.
Speaker Mike Johnson and Chairman Arrington, along with many others in their caucus, are on record supporting cuts to Social Security and Medicare while also supporting extending the massively costly Trump tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.3
What right-wingers won’t admit publicly is that this fiscal commission is not really about our nation’s debt. It’s really about slashing services and more tax cuts for their wealthy campaign contributors.
We must stop this commission to cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and more before it’s convened.
Write to your members of Congress now and demand that instead of cuts that are harmful to millions of people, Congress must instead raise new revenues from those who can afford it most: millionaires, billionaires, and large profitable corporations.
Together, we’re defending funding for low-income and working people and retirees while demanding the rich and corporations start paying their fair share.
Thank you,
Deborah Weinstein Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs
1 GOP budget chair floats attaching debt commission to government funding bills 2 Spoiling For Shutdown: Republicans Restart Budget Calendar 3 Republican Study Group, chaired by Rep. Mike Johnson, FY 2020 Budget recommendations