Happy pawliday season from the ASANimals — the pets here at ASAN! Our humans have been working hard all year long to empower autistics all over the country, so we decided to take over some duties to make sure that our humans spend time on their other important job: petting, feeding, playing with, and loving us!
🐱🐶 Miles and Luna here — we’ve put aside our sibling/species feud to come together to thank you for being part of our community. This year, ASAN continued to defend the rights of people with disabilities — from our right to live and get services in our communities to our right to have our voices heard. With your support, ASAN has trained 18 more advocates through the Autism Campus Inclusion (ACI) Leadership Academy, pushed for research that prioritizes autistic voices, and more. Our humans have even more on the agenda for 2024, but our cuddles aren’t enough to make it all happen — we need your help too!
Here’s how you can help:
- Consider a recurring donation -- our fun membership program makes it easy, plus we thank you for your support with exclusive perks!
- Show your support with our merchandise. We have holiday cards and gifts you can buy for your loved ones!
- Share our work with your friends and family, or on social media. The more people hear about us, the more people our resources can reach.
- Start a Facebook Fundraiser! This is a great way to support us if you’re not able to give yourself, as there’s no need to contribute to your own fundraiser, just share with your friends.
- Consider supporting ASAN during your end-of-year giving. Donations are tax deductible.
In the year to come, our humans will be busy ensuring that people with disabilities are included everywhere: in our communities, in the workplace, in education, and in daily life. ASAN will continue to support autistic leaders and emerging self-advocacy organizations across the country. ASAN will produce more Easy Read toolkits on the issues that matter to our community. And as always, ASAN will make sure that our community has a say in the policy decisions that affect us, and that all of us have the tools we need to speak out. This year, our members allowed us to continue fighting for our community. We would love to count you among them. Will you consider including us in your end-of-year giving this pawliday season?
As we look ahead to next year, your support makes a huge difference — our humans truly can’t do this work without you.
Miles and Luna

Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
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