Dear Friends,
At this time, information about coronavirus, or COVID-19, is rapidly evolving as new details are confirmed - yet there are still many unknowns. MCF, like many other organizations, is doing its best to make decisions based on both fact and reasonable projections. Our highest priority right now is the health and safety of our families, our partners, and our staff.

As of March 16, and until further notice, this is how MCF will be changing our services and programs:

1. We will discontinue in-person visits with families. We will continue to be available to families by phone calls and texts, emails, and even free video conferencing. If your Family Peer Support Specialist should become ill or unable to work for a period of time, we will temporarily refer you to another Family Peer Support Specialist who has had the exact same training and has relevant lived experience.

2. We will postpone all in-person programs and events. This includes support groups, trainings, workshops, and social events. Some of these might be able to be held via a phone or video conferencing. Get in touch with the contact person of your event for more information. See our support groups here. See our events here.

3. We will not attend school, partner or agency meetings in person. We will be completely available to attend by phone or video conferencing.

Knowing important information about the outbreak and learning how to be prepared can reduce your stress and help calm likely anxieties. We have reviewed a number of resources, and think this one will help you to consider how the expected spread of the coronavirus might affect your family—both physically and emotionally—and what you can do to help them cope. 

We’ll stay in touch with updates periodically. We hope that you and everyone you care about stays safe, well, and peaceful during this challenging time. Please remember that, even though the way we interact might be different for a while, MCF’s commitment to your well-being and to improving systems for behavioral health is unwavering.


The MCF Team

Maryland Coalition of Families (MCF) helps families who care for someone with behavioral health needs. Using personal experience as parents, caregivers and other loved ones, our staff provide one-to-one peer support and navigation services to parents and caregivers of young people with mental health issues and to any loved one who cares for someone with a substance use or gambling issue.

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