Katie Porter has built a reputation as Congress’s toughest questioner -- and for good reason.
Using her trademark whiteboard during a House oversight committee hearing today on the Coronavirus pandemic, Katie calculated the minimum costs for an uninsured person to be tested for COVID-19 -- a shocking $1,331.
With her direct and precise questioning style Katie Porter persuaded CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield to commit to provide free COVID-19 testing to every American "regardless of insurance."
In a time where many Americans are unable to afford a $400 unforeseen expense, the $1,331 price tag on the coronavirus test will only drive uninsured Americans away from the testing and care they need.
And in a time when we are in dire need of courageous leadership, Katie has stepped in once again to fight on behalf of the American people. Her no-nonsense approach in the hearing room today will save lives, and ease the fear of millions across the nation.
PCCC members like you helped Katie flip a red district in 2018 by campaigning on a bold, progressive agenda. She is a clear, consistent voice when it comes to holding big corporations accountable -- and fighting on behalf of the American people. We cannot afford to lose her in 2020.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team
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