Porter just forced the CDC to agree to free coronavirus testing for the uninsured.

Katie Porter just forced the CDC to agree to free coronavirus testing for the uninsured.

Watch here. Then, chip in to Katie Porter's re-election campaign. We NEED Katie back in Congress!

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Katie Porter has built a reputation as Congress’s toughest questioner -- and for good reason.

Using her trademark whiteboard during a House oversight committee hearing today on the Coronavirus pandemic, Katie calculated the minimum costs for an uninsured person to be tested for COVID-19 -- a shocking $1,331.

With her direct and precise questioning style Katie Porter persuaded CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield to commit to provide free COVID-19 testing to every American "regardless of insurance."

Watch the video here. Then, with Katie up for re-election this year, chip in $3 to keep her powerful voice in Congress >>>

In a time where many Americans are unable to afford a $400 unforeseen expense, the $1,331 price tag on the coronavirus test will only drive uninsured Americans away from the testing and care they need.

And in a time when we are in dire need of courageous leadership, Katie has stepped in once again to fight on behalf of the American people. Her no-nonsense approach in the hearing room today will save lives, and ease the fear of millions across the nation.

PCCC members like you helped Katie flip a red district in 2018 by campaigning on a bold, progressive agenda. She is a clear, consistent voice when it comes to holding big corporations accountable -- and fighting on behalf of the American people. We cannot afford to lose her in 2020.

Watch the video here. Then, will you donate to make sure we can keep Rep. Katie Porter fighting for working Americans in Congress?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team













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