In this newsletter, we'll share the latest updates from our online congress, and look forward to the Extended Congress in Lyon.
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Dear John,
In six months, between 6 and 9 June, Europe will elect a new parliament. This heralds a crucial period for our European Green campaign, and our fight for a sustainable and fair future for our continent.
Last weekend, we reached an important landmark with our 38th Congress, held online. In this newsletter, we'll share the latest updates and outcomes from the event, and look forward to the Extended Congress in Lyon, 2 – 4 February, 2024, where the European Green family will elect our leading candidates, and adopt the Green common election manifesto.
European Elections
Four Greens enter the race for leading candidates
We are very proud to present to you the four contenders running to become our Green leading candidates in the 2024 European election (in alphabetical order). Watch their presentations ([link removed] ) at the Congress by clicking on their image or name:
Bas ([link removed] )
Bas Eickhout ([link removed] )
Netherlands, nominated by GroenLinks, the Netherlands
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Elīna Pinto ([link removed] )
Latvia, nominated by Progresīvie, Latvia
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Terry Reintke ([link removed] )
Germany, nominated by Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany
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Benedetta Scuderi ([link removed] )
Italy, nominated by FYEG / European Young Greens
Next up, the contenders need endorsements of at least 5 member parties (until 7 January, 2024), before the delegates of our Extended Congress in Lyon will elect the leading candidate duo.
The European Green Party co-chairs Thomas Waitz and Mélanie Vogel comment: "We applaud every candidate who has entered this contest. As European Greens, we are proud to have this open process to elect our European leading candidates. It will enable citizens to have a clear say on who they want to put in power on the European level.”
The leading candidates (also known as ‘European Spitzenkandidaten’) will become the heart and face of our common European Green campaign for the European elections in June 2024.
European Greens
Impressions from the Online Congress
Last weekend’s 38th Congress of the European Greens took place online. The event was hosted from a studio in Brussels. You can now find impressions of the event, and photos of the contenders for leading candidates in our Flickr photo album ([link removed] ) . We also congratulate Benjamin Bibas and Emma Nohrén on their election as EGP members to the Green European Foundation, GEF, General Assembly.
European Greens
Getting ready for our Congress in Lyon
In less than two months, over a thousand Green delegates, leaders, activists, and supporters from across Europe will meet in Lyon, France, to elect the two Green leading candidates for the European election, adopt the Green common election manifesto and campaign priorities, and vote on the candidacy of new member parties to our European Green family. You can find all information about the Extended Congress on our Congress website. ([link removed] )
13 Dec. 2023
Q&A: What is COP28 about and where does the local level come into it? (by Local Councilors Network) ([link removed] ) • online • 19:00 CET
02 - 04 Feb. 2024
European Greens Extended Congress • Lyon
06 - 09 June 2024
European Parliament election • Europe
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Green Newsflash
German Greens meet at BDK: At the German Greens’ party conference, delegates elected their list for the European elections. Congratulations to Terry Reintke and Sergey Lagodinsky who have been elected as national leading candidates, and to Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour who were re-elected as the party’s co-chairs.
Groen elects leading candidates for EU elections: Our Belgian member party Groen elected Sara Matthieu, Thomas Jans and Samira Atillah as their leading candidates. Congratulations and good luck for the campaign!
Benedetta De Marte at Euractiv debate: EGP General Secretary Benedetta De Marte attended a debate on the European Political Party Views towards the 2024-2029 EU Agenda, organised by Euractiv: “To remain competitive, the EU must now implement the Green Deal.” Read more… ([link removed] )
Latvian parliament ratified the Istanbul Convention: Congratulations to our member party Progresīvie, who strongly advocated for this issue and negotiated it into the coalition agreement. This is an important step towards the elimination of gender-based violence!
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European Green Party, Rue du Taciturne 34, Brussels 1000,
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With the financial support of the European Parliament.
Sole liability remains with the author.