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Hi John,


I am going to share some information with you that will send shivers down the spines of the planet's greediest corporate plastic polluters. 


Since I wrote to you last week about Dove’s toxic plastic pollution, we have received more than 55,000 signatures from people across the world… in just a few days. 


We know Dove are feeling the pressure… so we’ve set an audacious goal, but one we can reach together if everyone acts now: 


Sign the open letter telling Dove to stop poisoning our planet with plastic and help our campaign reach 100,000 signatures before the end of this week.

Dove’s near impossible-to-recycle plastic sachets are wreaking havoc in the Global South, polluting neighbourhoods, choking rivers, and when burned, are leaching toxic chemicals into the air we breathe.


But it doesn’t have to be this way. If enough of us act now they’ll have nowhere to hide; the whole world will read about their bad behaviour and Dove will be forced to address the issue publicly.

​​We know this works. It was Greenpeace supporters adding their names to petitions back in 2011 that forced Barbie manufacturers Mattel to keep rainforest destruction out of its supply chains.


We've stood up to corporate giants before, and we've won. Now, let's make Dove and Unilever realise that their time of hypocrisy is over. Are you in?

In solidarity and hope,


Marian Ledesma

Greenpeace Campaigner, Philippines


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