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The LEFT has a powerful secret weapon and that is their local grassroots! The Left, from diapers to grave, is engaged in local politics and local grassroots organizations.
The only way progressives change the political landscape and transform our Representative Republic Constitutional Government into a Democratic Socialist Regime is to change one community at a time AND hope that conservatives will fail to show up.
It’s the snowball effect, but REAL IMPACT begins at the bottom of the hill and rolls upwards! The snowball grows as numbers at the bottom swell and swallow up local government and bureaucratic positions and influence, swallows up local state representatives, swallows up your state executive offices, and climaxes with US representation on the Hill.
Anyone seeking real change knows they must build large numbers at the local level and your real impact is largely predetermined by this race at the bottom…
A race WE THE PEOPLE can win if we know how and where to show up and YOU are our most powerful weapon! ...
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