Before Bernie and Joe Biden take the debate stage on Sunday, we're reaching out to some of Bernie's top supporters to take our latest poll.

Friend -

Turn on the television and you’ll see a lot of pundits and political professionals with opinions about Bernie and the state of the race — few of them who have ever been with Bernie.

But you have been with Bernie, and because of that today you’ve been selected to share your thoughts directly with the campaign on an important question:

Will you tell us that you support Bernie Sanders and believe his agenda is the agenda we need to defeat Trump and transform this country?

This is a campaign that is winning the ideological debate, and winning it by a wide margin.

And that is because the overwhelming majority of voters believe we need a minimum wage that is a living wage, that we must make public colleges and universities tuition free, and that we must end the international disgrace of being the only developed country on earth not to guarantee health care as a right to all of its people.

But we are losing the electability debate.

So what we are hoping to do — today — is generate a huge number of people who are willing to say that OUR agenda, the one Bernie Sanders is running on, is the best way to beat Trump.

Because we need to send a message to the political establishment that no matter what the pundits repeat over and over and over again, THIS is the agenda that will defeat Trump.

So we are asking:

Can you add your name, today, to say that you support Bernie Sanders and believe his agenda is THE agenda we need to defeat Donald Trump in November?

The next few days are some of the most important of the campaign. For sure. And we need to make some strides in the electability debate.

That starts with adding your name.

Thank you,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager