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Wednesday, December 6th, 2023


We the People vs. the Sheeple

Donald Jeffries

Demanding Solutions From Others To Cure the World’s Ills Is Cowardice in the Presence of Tyranny

Gary D. Barnett

The Hard Evidence Is in: The Covid ‘Vaccine’ Is a Killer

Paul Craig Roberts

If G.K. Chesterton Were a Doctor Today

James O. Breen, M.D.

The Horrors in Gaza Are Happening Because the US Empire Wants Them To Happen

Caitlin Johnstone

US Lab Is Linked to Covid Virus, Before Outbreak

Dr. Joseph Mercola

We Are Witnessing an Avalanche of Branch Closings as U.S. Banks Desperately Try To Stay Alive

Michael Snyder

Abolish the FTC

Jacob G. Hornberger

The War in Ukraine Is Done

Moon of Alabama

Cardinal Müller Says Mass Migration Is Being Used To Destroy National Identities

Andreas Wailzer and Maike Hickson

The Presumption of Guilt

Joseph Sansone, PhD

It’s Always the Last Dose That Gets You

Steve Kirsch

Political Theatre

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