March 13, 2020
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Fatal dependence
Tabitha Korol
Socialism: Lipstick on a pig
Rev. Mark H. Creech

March 13, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

March 13, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? "This a global problem that will require global solutions, not more ignorant, nationalist fear-mongering." So says a writer with an outfit called Popular Resistance about the coronavirus and President Trump's response. In the midst of this Marxist drivel, President Trump offers a calm answer to a pandemic -- protect our people and defend our borders.... (more)

March 11, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on an abortion case out of Louisiana. The law in question mandates that an abortionist have access to a hospital in case something goes wrong.... (more)

March 11, 2020
'People's lives are being upended, not by the virus but by the panic'
AIR.TV ? Dr. Drew: "Everything that's going on, with New York cleaning the subways and everyone using Clorox wipes, and 'get your flu shot' (that should be the other message) – that's good.... What I have a problem with is the panic, and the fact that businesses are being destroyed and people's lives are being upended, not by the virus but by the panic. The panic must stop, and the press...must be held accountable, because they are hurting people."... (more)

March 11, 2020
Hammers news outlets for 'burying' most important part of story
JOE KOVACS ? The national news media are being hammered for distorting information about the coronavirus threat, with radio's Rush Limbaugh blasting them as a "dishonest bunch of SOBs!" Limbaugh pointed to the Drudge Report's lead story on Wednesday, with a headline blaring, "TOP DOC: Virus 10 TIMES more lethal than flu." It was from a report by the Week, whose headline was: "Coronavirus is 10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu, Trump's task force immunologist says."... (more)

March 11, 2020
THE GATEWAY PUNDIT ? A Yale psychiatrist named Bandy Lee has repeatedly claimed that Trump is mentally unfit for office. Democrats in Congress have even had official meetings with her. This woman has never even met Trump, but she feels perfectly fine offering her diagnosis, in a clear ethical violation of her profession. Now that Joe Biden has become an increasing cause for concern, due to his aging mind, Bandy Lee refuses to offer a diagnosis of Biden.... (more)

March 11, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The Michigan auto worker who confronted Joe Biden over his stance on gun reform when the presidential candidate visited his Detroit assembly plant told "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday that the former vice president "went off the deep end."... (more)

March 10, 2020
?There's a large epidemic of coronavirus anxiety,? Vanderbilt professor of preventive medicine Dr. William Schaffner says
WORLDNETDAILY ? A study based on the initial onslaught of coronavirus cases in China shows that the virus infecting people around the globe appears to be selective in who it kills. Data analyzed by the health news website STAT, based upon Chinese accounts of the demographic conditions of those infected, shows a clear pattern in who was simply infected and who suffered serious consequences.... (more)

March 10, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Joe Biden won the Michigan primary over Bernie Sanders, taking the biggest prize in Tuesday's six-state round of primaries and further widening his lead in the Democratic nomination race.... (more)

March 10, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Democratic front-runners Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will debate as scheduled Sunday in Arizona amid the coronavirus outbreak -- but without a live audience. The Democratic National Committee says it is making the move "at the request of both campaigns and out of an abundance of caution."... (more)

March 10, 2020
Especially since he has clear path to nomination after decisive wins in Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi
YOUTUBE ? Former Vice President Joe Biden can't hide the increasing number of 'senior moments' on the campaign trail.... (more)

March 10, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Tucker Carlson said Tuesday that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has proven himself to be a "professional loser" and more focused on being ideologically "pure" than politically successful. The "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host said that Sanders had shown he was unwilling to go all-out for the Democratic nomination by refusing to directly criticize rival Joe Biden's many gaffes and missteps or question his "mental acuity."... (more)

March 10, 2020
JOHN STOSSEL ? Freelance jobs are "feudalism," says California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez. She persuaded California's legislature to pass a new law reclassifying freelance workers as employees. That means many people who hire them must now give them benefits like overtime, unemployment insurance, etc. Politicians said it would help freelancers a lot.... (more)

March 10, 2020
'He just wants to help people. And nobody wants him to help'
WORLDNETDAILY ? It looks like an act by a conservative trolling progressives, but a viral video of a college-age woman sobbing over the political demise of socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders no doubt reflects the emotional trauma of many in her generation.... (more)

March 10, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? The Chinese virus has been treated as just a natural occurrence or unfortunate incident that necessitates that we have to cede more power over our lives to what critics have long called the Medical Deep State. Under pressure from a foreign threat, President Trump has relied on these health care "professionals." But the result has been stories from the Washington Post about "How the Trump administration lost control of the coronavirus crisis" and the New York Times about how "The Coronavirus Is Coming for Trump's Presidency." This is the new narrative designed to bring down Trump.... (more)

March 10, 2020
JOAN SWIRSKY ? "Though marked by levity, Purim is deadly serious: We are reminded that Haman exists in every generation and that we Jews dare not ignore our own identity." Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik This year, the Jewish holiday of Purim begins on Monday, March 9th, and ends on March 10th. It is a significant holiday that has everything to do with Jewish survival, which today is as relevant as it was throughout Jewish history, not only 75 years ago in Nazi Germany when six-million Jews were savagely incinerated in burning ovens while the entire world looked on, but also 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years ago!... (more)

March 10, 2020
STEVE A. STONE ? I've decided the best thing I can do this year is write to those in power and give them one or more pieces of my mind. It's something everyone should consider doing. If we aren't talking to those in our state houses and in Washington, they're not hearing. If they aren't hearing, how can they listen? It may be a waste of time; I'm not totally certain of that. But, one thing I know is if I don't communicate my thoughts, hopes, and wishes to those empowered to make such things a reality, then I haven't done nearly all I can, and have little of substance to complain about.... (more)

March 10, 2020
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? During the 1980s, North Carolina's U.S. Senator, the late Jesse Helms, wrote an interesting article about America's drift from her religious and political moorings. Helms wrote at that time something powerfully astute. He said, "It is debatable at just what point the United States began to drift away.... But I think we reached that point when many Americans turned away from the idea of salvation through Christ to that of salvation through technology or science or material affluence or the welfare state."... (more)

March 10, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? Oral arguments were heard this week before the Supreme Court on the legal challenge to a Louisiana law that requires an abortionist to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of his clinic. This is so a woman who experiences a medical emergency during an abortion can get quality emergency care. Anybody who claims to care about health care for women should celebrate this law.... (more)

March 10, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Former Vice President Joe Biden holds a double-digit lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on the eve of the Michigan primary, according to a new poll in the state with the most delegates up for grabs among Tuesday's Democratic presidential nomination contests. The former vice president tops Sanders 51 percent to 36 percent among likely Democratic presidential primary voters in Michigan, the Monmouth University survey released on Monday showed.... (more)

March 10, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The Coronavirus Task Force holds a press conference amid public fears.... (more)

March 10, 2020
YOUTUBE ? The coronavirus is a serious disease and Americans need to take all necessary precautions. But the coverage we are seeing from the media mob is beyond disgusting.... (more)

March 10, 2020
'Never let a crisis go to waste'
YOUTUBE ? If the media and Democrats hate the current president, then crisis is their tool.... (more)

March 9, 2020
FOX NEWS ? There comes a time in every presidential administration when the people in charge realize they're not really in control. Unforeseen events arise in an instant. Every assumption about the future changes. Heads of state die, wars erupt, natural disasters descend, epidemics rage. None of it was in anybody's plan.... (more)

March 7, 2020
REAL CLEAR POLITICS ? Gary Varvel's March 6, 2020, cartoon. (Click to see more.)... (more)

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