I know many people will be concerned about last week’s announcement that a Section 114 Report has been issued by the council’s chief finance officer and what the impact of this will be.
The Section 114 Report doesn’t mean that the council is “bankrupt” or insolvent. We have sufficient financial resources to meet our current obligations and to continue to pay staff, suppliers and grant recipients this year.
Essential services the council provides such as caring for vulnerable people, protecting children, collecting bins and gritting the roads will continue.
However, until a meeting of all city councillors takes place on 18 December, spending controls already in place will be further tightened with spending immediately stopped that is not already contractually committed or otherwise agreed by the chief finance officer.
The Section 114 Report has been issued as the council is forecasting an overspend of £23.3m in the current year due to issues which are affecting local authorities across the country, including increased demand for children’s and adults’ social care, rising homelessness and the impact of inflation.
Past issues relating to financial governance which led to the appointment of an Improvement and Assurance Board, and an overspend in the last financial year have also impacted on the council’s financial resilience and ability to draw on reserves.
To help answer some of the questions people will have about Section 114, there are a set of FAQs on a dedicated page on the council’s website which will be regularly updated with key information relating to the report and the council’s response.