From Eagle Forum, Kris Ullman President <>
Subject Ask Your Congressman to Save Our Cars!
Date December 5, 2023 4:15 PM
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December 5, 2023
Take Action!
House Voting on Legislation to Reverse Toughest-Ever Emissions Regulations

The U.S. House of Representatives is voting this week to save our choice of cars!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is aggressively attempting to restrict the choice to purchase gas-powered cars. Instead, they are trying to mandate electric vehicles to take over the automobile industry. Known as the “toughest-ever” restriction on car emissions, the EPA’s new standards ([link removed]) would prohibit over 82 grams of CO2 per mile, which is a 56% reduction from the original 2026 standards. To meet these requirements, automobile manufacturers must replace 67% of their fleet ([link removed]) of traditional vehicles with electric vehicles by 2032. Electric vehicles are, on average, $17,000 more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts. To make matters worse, the federal government granted a waiver to the state of California giving them the ability to ban all internal combustion engine
vehicles and allowing other states to be covered by that waiver. California’s liberal policies do not belong in all other states.

Representative Tim Walberg’s (R-MI) Choice in Automobile Retail Sales “CARS” Act (H.R. 4468) ([link removed]) prohibits these standards from being implemented. Not only are these standards dangerous to our pocketbooks and the U.S. automobile industry, but they will benefit China’s domination of the supply chain in the EV market. This is also an egregious infringement by the federal government on consumer freedom. The EPA should not have this much control over our personal choices. This is why Rep. Walberg’s bill is so important and needed.

We ask that you contact your Representative to ask them to vote in favor of H.R. 4468, the CARS Act.
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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