Dear John,

Our Year-End Appeal is under way, and we urgently need your help to keep saving lives as we strive to fulfill our mission during an incredibly difficult time.

Our country is still reeling from September’s 6.8 magnitude earthquake, which has put an enormous strain on our already heavy workload! At the same time, we are facing rampant inflation, driving up the cost of everything we need to save animals. And we are truly in uncertain times, with so many shocking armed conflicts around the world.

In times like these, I must rely on our closest friends. That’s why I ask you for one more gift before the end of the year. Best of all, your gift will be triple matched — 3 dollars to 1 — up to $50,000, thanks to a generous Challenge Match fund.

You’ve been such a kind and caring friend to the working animals of Fez, Morocco. But in spite of all the help you’ve given us, we still haven’t met our goals for the year. We’re taking in sick and injured animals every day, and their owners depend on them for their survival. We need you, before our 2023 Challenge Match ends on December 31!

In this season of open hearts, can you find it in your heart to make one more gift before the year ends? Send your love to the animals this holiday season! Please be generous! I wish you and yours a healthy and joy-filled holiday season.

With my deepest thanks,


Dr. Ahmed Khairoun


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