Wildlife in Idaho must be better protected.
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Gray wolf

Hi John,

Idaho's assault on gray wolves has hit a new low.

The state wants to hire private contractors to track and gun down wolves from helicopters.

We've taken action to stop it — and we'll go to court if we need to.

Please help us protect Idaho's wolves with a gift to the Saving Life on Earth Fund. Thanks to a generous group of wildlife champions, all donations will be matched.

Idaho has approved a plan allowing hired agents to chase wolves from the air across millions of acres in central and southeast Idaho, including national forests.

The proposals Idaho has accepted come from someone with a track record of cruelty to wildlife. He's violated numerous wildlife-protection laws in Nevada, leaving animals suffering in unattended traps for up to 13 days.

Now he wants to bring his vicious, dirty tricks to Idaho.

We petitioned the U.S. Forest Service to block his plan. Our national forests shouldn't be killing fields for wolves.

It's brutal to stalk animals from helicopters, frighten and exhaust them, and then pick them off one by one.

The noise from wolf-hunting aircraft also puts other endangered species at risk. Grizzly bears can be scared out of their dens, leaving cubs behind. Canada lynx and wolverines can be chased away from the forested areas where they hunt for prey.

Our national forests are meant to be places where wildlife is undisturbed, not terrorized by helicopters on an extermination mission.

The extinction crisis calls us all to stand up for the wild. Idaho's plan is immoral and inhumane, and we'll do all we can to stop it.

We'll never give up fighting for wolves and other wildlife in harm's way, and you can help.

Please make a matched gift today to the Saving Life on Earth Fund.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's swift and continued action to save wildlife. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of gray wolf from Shutterstock.

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Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States