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Were We Wrong About John Fetterman?

Matt Vespa

Can Trump Actually Win in November?

Kurt Schlichter

Democrats Embrace Mental Illness in the Name of Diversity

Derek Hunter

Adam Schiff Is the Senator California Deserves

Derek Hunter

The NY Times Blames You for Shoplifting

Brad Slager

Vivek Ramaswamy Gets FBI Weaponization Very Wrong…Again

John Nantz

Kilmeade's Book on Booker T. Washington and Teddy Roosevelt Is Excellent

Salena Zito

Three COP28 Updates to Be Concerned About

Gabriella Hoffman

A Disappointing Non-Debate

Cal Thomas

CNN Grilled UNRWA's Spokesperson Over New Terrorism Allegations. It Did Not Go Well.

Matt Vespa

'Stop Being A Keyboard Warrior': DeSantis Ramps Up The Pressure On Trump To Debate

Scott Morefield

Liz Cheney Continues to Come Off As Desperate As She Goes After Trump

Rebecca Downs

Of Course This Would Be KJP's Response on Latest Revelations About Hunter Biden

Rebecca Downs

Biden Faces Community Notes Yet Again for Claim on Inflation

Rebecca Downs

John Fetterman Sends Bob Menendez a Message...From George Santos?

Spencer Brown

AG Merrick Garland Sure Has a One-Sided View of What 'Vigilantly Monitor' Means

Rebecca Downs

Green Groups Are No Longer Promoting a Cleaner Environment

Stephen Moore

Trump Needs a Command Sergeant Major

Allen West

Arizona, the Republican Party, and Its Discontents

Seth Leibsohn

Kamala Harris Talks Climate As Houthis Attack US Navy Vessel

John Ullyot

Dear 'Legacy Media,' the Calls of Authoritarianism are Coming from Inside the (White) House

Kaelan Dorr

The World Is Waking Up to the Consequences of Mass Migration. Will America?

William Davis

Fact: Enlisted Troops Make Great Officers

Larry Provost

Legal Hunting Reduces Deer Collisions and Should Be Encouraged

William D. Balgord

American Thought Control Through Coercion

Scott Hogenson

Newsom Would Turn the Nation Into Failing California

Jessica Millan Patterson

Oh, So Now UN Women Is Willing to Call Out Hamas?

Rebecca Downs

‘Trans’ Runner Complains About Being 'Embarrassingly Slow’ After Winning Women’s Race

Madeline Leesman

Have Democrats Abandoned 'Bidenomics'?

Spencer Brown

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Los Angeles Sheriff and California AG Sued Over 'Plainly Unconstitutional' Concealed Carry Policies |
End of an Era: Remington's New York Plant Shutting Down |
New Mexico Man Busted for Shooting Just Weeks After He Was 'Red-Flagged' by Court |
Signs of Civil Disobedience in Illinois Gun Registration Efforts |
New Jersey Attorney General Leads Battle in Opposition of SCOTUS on Magazine Capacities |
Potential Mass Shooting in Denver Stopped by Police, not Gun Control |