Aloha Fellow Republicans,

The Hawaii Republican Party has, as one of its core objectives, ensuring that as many of our party members as possible participate in the caucus and convention process. Everything we do ultimately facilitates our members in nominating their preferred candidates, and then helping those candidates through the elections process.
I have been carefully monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on the residents of Hawaii during this past month, with an eye towards how this will impact the county and state conventions coming up in a few weeks.

In response to the COVID-19 realities, all County Conventions are hereby postponed.  Furthermore, for Republican volunteers signed up for this weekend's "Register the Vote" effort at the Prince Kuhio Sunset on the Beach, that event is also postponed.   The HRP Headquarters on Kapiolani Blvd will be closed for a few days next week so we can deep clean and ensure the space is healthy.  This strategic pause will allow us to ensure the health and wellness of all our members.  Note that we are NOT cancelling these important meetings, but will reassess in April when we have a better sense of how this battle will affect our organization and our important political activities..  

This new reality will force us to get creative with communication and reaching out to voters.  I know we can all work together to focus on recruiting delegates for the State Convention (still scheduled for 16 May, but we are watching closely) and also to recruit candidates.    A crisis like this shows us, more than ever, how important it is for us to have strong, confident leadership in our Republican caucus.

In the meantime, we don't want to feed into a panic.  As our President says, most people exposed will be just fine, but we should practice some common sense hygiene and self care.  Here is the CDC link for the latest news and we will continue to update you as we get more information.

Thank you in advance for all you do.  Please take care of one another and especially our kupuna, who are most at risk.  Thank you for taking care of yourself and one another.


Chairman, Hawaii Republican Party
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Hawaii Republican Party · 725 Kapiolani Boulevard, Honolulu, HI · Suite C-105 · Honolulu, HI 96813 · USA