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Responding to COVID-19
SFMTA Budget Actions
Transit Driver Appreciation Day
2020 Transit Riders Survey


Transit Advocacy From Home

When we received the emergency message from AlertSF recommending canceling non-essential community events for the next 2 weeks, we knew our work was going to shift in a big way. We had planned on several big opportunities to engage with riders and with SFMTA that are now put on hold. 

As of today, Sunday Streets is postponed until June. Meetings and open-houses with SFMTA are canceled, and we're waiting for word on when they'll reschedule or put things online. To date, SFMTA is still holding its board meetings (see below).

How do we engage riders and communities when we shouldn't be gathering in person? One tactic is to ramp up our digital outreach. We know digital outreach uses a different set of resources, reaches different communities, and tends to be less effective than in-person interaction, but it can still be a useful tool for transit advocacy. So please help us out by sharing our posts, participating in online activities, and emailing decisionmakers.

There are a few events that are not (yet) canceled - though this could change. We're trying to strike the balance between needed action and taking the need for social distancing seriously. Information and decisions are changing almost by the minute. We will do our best to make sure there is always an online way to participate!

If you can at all work from home, please do. Any gathering or face-to-face interaction you can cancel or put online, please do. Our hearts and thoughts go out to all the people working in essential jobs, especially those at Muni - keeping transit going, keeping mobility available for all those who depend on it.

Wash your hands, keep a little extra on hand, keep an eye on your loved ones and on anyone who has less or is more vulnerable. Let's all stay safe and healthy as we can.



3 ways to make your voice heard

This Tuesday the SFMTA board will discuss their final proposal on their upcoming budget. Because of our advocacy -- with over 75 people writing in to SFTMA to make ask them to increase service, not fares -- SFMTA is having second thoughts on the proposed fare increase! We've had several fare increases in the last few years, and many riders who depend on Muni can't afford to pay more.

We need keep the pressure on between now and when they approve the budget in April. There are a few great ways to make your voice heard:

  1. SFMTA Budget *Digital* Open House -- Thursday, March 19th, 5pm
    Rescheduled and moved online, SFMTA is hosting an *digital* open house for folks to learn more about the budget options and discuss potential alternatives. Click here for details.
  2. Online Conversation with Director of Transportation Jeff Tumlin -- Tuesday April 2nd, 11:30am
    Click here for the live feed or participate via Twitter or Facebook.
  3. If you haven't yet, email the SFMTA Board directly with your comments about the budget. 

Transit Driver Appreciation Day

Muni drivers are the unsung heroes of transit operations. Whether it is the expert navigating along congested streets or the welcome smile they give when you board, drivers are at the heart of our transit experiences. And as essential employees, they're putting themselves on the line these days to make sure people can get around. 

Join us next Wednesday in thanking our beloved Muni drivers. If you're taking the bus, consider a thank you to your driver - really, we should do this every day! On Wednesday, share your support for drivers everywhere on social media using #TDAD. Pictures of hand-written thank you notes are always appreciated, or let us know what other creative images you think of! We'll make sure the operators see them all.


Shape the future of our rider-first movement!

We listen to and lead with riders. Our grassroots movement relies on the work of our members and volunteers to make change. Take our 2020 Transit Riders Survey to help shape what transit advocacy and campaigns we take on next - let us know what you're most excited to work on with us!

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
