Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Siblings,


The California Labor Federation has officially granted statewide strike sanction to the California Faculty Association (CFA) and Teamsters 2010 for strikes at the CSU from December 4-7 at Cal Poly Pomona, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento university campuses.?

CFA and Teamsters 2010 are uniting in joint strikes against the CSU's numerous unfair labor practices, and its consistent refusal to negotiate fairly with our unions for a just contract they rightfully deserve. The CSU's unjust stance involves insulting wage proposals, takeaways of rights, denying regular step increases for 28 years, and lagging behind UC Skilled Trades worker pay by 23.6% on average. Teamsters 2010's unfair labor practices include stalling negotiations, interfering with workers' rights, unilaterally changing work rules, removing union signage & materials, and threatening retaliation for participating in a strike.

The hardworking members of CFA and Teamsters 2010 keep our California State University system running and they deserve fair wages and a strong contract. We ask all affiliates to honor the picket lines and join CFA and Teamsters 2010 members this week to demonstrate our solidarity and power of our statewide labor movement.

Stand with CFA and Teamsters 2010 on the picket lines from December 4-7 at Cal Poly Pomona, San Francisco, Cal State Los Angeles, and Sacramento State!


  • Dec. 4 @ Cal Poly Pomona?
  • Dec. 5 @ San Francisco
  • Dec. 6 @ Cal State Los Angeles
  • Dec. 7 @ Sacramento State

In Solidarity,

Lorena Gonzalez?