From Julie McCarty <[email protected]>
Subject True Texas Project: High School Scholarship!
Date March 13, 2020 12:03 AM
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Friends and fellow patriots,
What high school seniors do you know in the NE Tarrant area??? We have scholarships to offer! The deadline is less than a month away so get them to apply!
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

** True Texas Project

2020 Scholarship Opportunity

True Texas Project is proud to award 4 scholarships to outstanding high school seniors who demonstrate an ability to stand up for conservative principles within the public school system! Deadline for submission is 11:59 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2020

Four separate winners will be awarded prizes as follows:

1st Place: $1000 scholarship
2nd Place: $500 scholarship
3rd Place: $250 scholarship
4th Place: $250 scholarship

** Criteria

The contest is open to high school seniors in the following school districts:

Grapevine/Colleyville ISD
Hurst/Euless/Bedford ISD
Southlake/Carroll ISD
Keller ISD
Birdville ISD
Northwest ISD

** Instructions:

1. Complete the application here: [link removed]
2. Upload a video YOU created at link above, too.

One entry per person. One name per entry. Deadline for submission is 11:59 pm on Saturday, April 4, 2020.

** About the videos:

The video should be no longer than 1 minute in length and G-rated. It can be educational, funny, musical, a spoof, or whatever you think gets the attention of the average public viewer. Be creative! You can choose any conservative topic you want. Our goal is to see high school students engaged in and aware of the civic responsibilities we all bear. We know that is not always easy in a high school setting.

** Need some ideas?

Interview an elected official on a hot topic
Do Man-On-The-Street interviews
Share a message encouraging students to stand up for conservative values at school
Teach anything about the Constitution!
Give your vision of a conservative America
Explain why a conservative America is a healthy America.
Tell us how conservatism mirrors what the Bible says
Do a short documentary from the campaign trail of a local candidate
Make an ad for a candidate… or better yet, your conservative club!
Do a pretend newscast on an applicable topic.

The possibilities are endless! Just remember… be entertaining and creative! If nobody wants to watch, it doesn’t do anyone any good!

** Judging:

The leadership team of True Texas Project will do the final judging based on personal opinion as well as the feedback received from activists in our organization. A selection of finalists will have their videos shown at the April 13 True Texas Project meeting for feedback from the audience, and winners will be announced on April 30, 2020 on our True Texas Project Facebook, Instagram, and website! Scholarships will be awarded at the students’ baccalaureate programs. All decisions of the Board of True Texas Project are final and indisputable.



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Mar 21 ([link removed])
Senatorial Conventions

Mar 24 ([link removed])
Dinner at Cane's in Euless

Apr 9 ([link removed])
Joint Happy Hour w/Empower Texans at Napoli's

Apr 13 ([link removed])
Russ Ramsland: Deep State

Apr 14 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Russ Ramsland, Deep State

May 11 ([link removed])
Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 12 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Tom Homan, former ICE Director

May 15-16 ([link removed])
State GOP Convention

May 26
Dinner at TBD

Jun 8 ([link removed])
Jim Simpson, Agenda To Erase America

Jun 9 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Jim Simpson, Agenda to Erase America

Jun 23
Dinner at TBD

Jul 13 ([link removed])
KrisAnne Hall, Red Flag Laws

Jul 14 ([link removed])
Denton hosts KrisAnne Hall on Red Flag Laws

Jul 28
Dinner at TBD

Aug 10 ([link removed])
"Keeping Their Faith"
(in public school)

Aug 11 ([link removed])
Denton hosts "Keeping Their Faith"
(in public school)

Aug 25
Dinner at TBD

Sep 14 ([link removed])
Prepping For Next Session:
partners in the battle

Sep 15 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session:
partners in battle

Sep 22
Dinner at TBD

Oct 12
Prepping For Next Session:
Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 13
Denton hosts Prepping for Next Session:
Tinderholt & Malone

Oct 27
Dinner at TBD

Nov 9
Prepping For Next Session:
Empower Texans

Nov 10
Denton hosts Prepping For Next Session:
Empower Texans

Dec 14
Christmas Party

Jan 11 ([link removed])
Pastors Panel

Jan 12 ([link removed])
Denton hosts Pastors Panel

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at
6000 Hawk Ave, NRH
and the second Tuesdays of every month
in Denton County

5:30 - Prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - Meeting begins
8:00 - Meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various
restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday
of most months.
Watch the calendar!
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