From Chairman James Dickey <[email protected]>
Subject About Coronavirus & Our State Convention
Date March 12, 2020 11:44 PM
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My Fellow Texas Republicans,


We sent an update earlier this week regarding Coronavirus (CoVid-19) and its
potential impact on our State Convention in Houston. Although that email was
sent Tuesday, there have been significant developments since then.

Yesterday, the City of Houston and Harris County issued respective emergency
and disaster declarations due to the first case of “community spread” of
Coronavirus in the region. As of last night, three cases of the virus had been
confirmed in the City of Houston.

Important information about Coronavirus can be found here -
[link removed]
<[link removed]>. Please be educated on
ways in which you can protect yourself and your family. 

Our State Convention is being held in Houston from Thursday, May 14 -
Saturday, May 16 with State Committee meetings beginning on Monday, May 11. We
are in contact with our representatives at the George R. Brown Convention
Center, where the Convention is to be hosted, who are keeping us informed on
the developments in Houston.

With the Convention still two months away, we are proceeding as planned. Our
intent currently remains to open hotel registration on April 1. Senate District
Conventions and County Conventions across Texas remain scheduled for Saturday,
March 21. This afternoon, RPT Organizational Director, Brandon Moore,
distributed an email to County Chairs and State Republican Executive Committee
Members regarding an update and preparations for those Conventions.

As a reminder, the purpose of our State Convention this year is to elect
delegates to our National Convention, elect officers, and adopt our platform,
priorities, and rules. 

We are vigilantly monitoring this dynamic situation with Coronavirus which has
already shown us how rapidly it can change.

While we are proceeding as planned, we are taking all necessary precautions in
the event these circumstances may force changes upon our State Convention.  

To that end, I have taken the following actions today:


* A working group has been established to preliminarily examine Republican
Party of Texas rules and to make recommendations to the SREC Rules Committee as
to possible rules changes that may need to be made should the outbreak affect
our State Convention being held in May or being held in the manner to which we
are accustomed. RPT Parliamentarian Chris Howe will chair that working group
which includes the following members:  
* RPT General Counsel Wade Emmert
* RPT Convention Temporary Rules Committee Chair Vergel Cruz
* RPT SREC Rules Committee Chair Jan Duncan
* Former RPT Parliamentarian Butch Davis 
* Former RPT Parliamentarian Richard Hayes
* State Republican Executive Committee members have been asked to save the
date for an SREC meeting on Saturday, April 4 in Austin to discuss any items
related to party rules and our Convention that need to be considered in light
of the Coronavirus. A call with actual rule proposals will be distributed
* Information about this update has been shared with the Republican National

We are in an unprecedented moment in the history of the Republican Party of
Texas. I am grateful for your partnership as we prepare for our Convention in
the safest manner possible to execute the obligations and business of our

The Republican Party of Texas and I will provide updates as developments occur
to keep you as informed as possible.  

Thank you. May God bless you and may He continue to bless our great state of


James Dickey

Chairman, Republican Party of Texas













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