Folks, Democratic heroes have lined up to endorse Lisa Blunt Rochester. Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Raphael Warnock, Delaware's own Tom Carper, and voting rights champion Stacey Abrams have all thrown their support behind Lisa.

We've generated enormous momentum thanks to their support, but we've always said that this campaign is people-powered – and we mean it. That's why we're asking you to join forces with these Democratic champions and formally endorse Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate!


From keeping our organizing program running to headlines capturing the power of our campaign – all that we've accomplished so far has been thanks to thousands of supporters like you.

Republican leaders know just how strong our people-powered movement is and are desperate to squash it, flip Delaware red, and retake Senate control. We CAN'T let this happen.

Please, will you endorse Lisa Blunt Rochester to become Delaware's next Senator? We need a groundswell of support TODAY to show the GOP that we're fighting to keep this seat blue!


Thank you for submitting your endorsement!

– Team LBR