Let's replace George Santos with a Democrat in February
Hi Friend,
Do you know any Democrats in NY-3? See map below or Install our free SwipeBlue app with partner code WAVE to find them all and text them to vote in February.
And if you can afford it, could you contribute $10, $25, $50, or even $100 to help us create a Blue Wave starting on Long Island and sweeping nationwide in November?
Thanks for all you do!
Bob Fertik
George Santos was a pathological liar facing 23 federal indictments, yet it took Republicans nearly a year to expel him from Congress.
Incredibly, 112 Republicans voted to keep him in Congress - including the top 4 Republicans!
This is no surprise - Trump's GOP fully supports lies and crimes, all the way up to seditious conspiracy and violent insurrection to impose a Trump Dictatorship.
During his four years in the White House, Donald Trump told 30,573 documented lies. Trump now faces 91 criminal indictments as well as civil trials for real estate fraud, rape defamation and the violent insurrection on January 6.
Nearly every Republican supported all of Trump's lies and crimes. And they will support him for President in 2024, even though his campaign has crossed the line into outright Fascism.
The only way to stop Republican lies, crimes, and fascism is with a gigantic Blue Wave big enough to elect Democrats everywhere.
Our Blue Wave will start on Long Island in February with the special election to replace George Santos in NY-3.
In 2020, Joe Biden won NY-3 with 213,371 votes. In 2022, Democrat Robert Zimmerman got only 121,094 votes and lost. So this February our Blue Wave goal is 250,000 Democratic votes - enough to guarantee a huge Democratic win.
Winning NY-3 is important just for shrinking the tiny Republican House majority so they cannot impeach Joe Biden or pass extreme laws like a national abortion ban.
But it will also send a powerful message to Washington DC and the nation that Democrats are united and determined to create a Blue Wave big enough to elect Democrats everywhere.
Do you know any Democrats in NY-3? Install our free SwipeBlue app with partner code WAVE to find them and text them to vote in February.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org.
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