None of our work would be possible without the millions of supporters that make up our movement. Whether you donated this Giving Tuesday, spent your weekends volunteering, or took action online—this critical work is helping us build a future free from gun violence. Thank you!
From the Field: Moms Demand Action
November's elections were a huge victory for the gun safety movement: 96 Moms Demand Action volunteers won their races for public office!
In Virginia, where MAGA Republicans were aiming for a trifecta, we not only held a Gun Sense Majority in the Senate, but we flipped the House of Delegates to secure a Gun Sense Majority in both chambers—including electing nine Moms Demand Action volunteers.
The seismic change our country needs cannot be achieved in one election cycle, but the work our volunteers do every day is helping us chip away at the gun industry's power.
We're organizing year-round to end gun violence and defeat the gun lobby. Join us: Find an event near you.
From the Field: Students Demand Action
On 50+ college campuses across the country, students have been making their voices heard by calling on their colleges and universities to divest from the gun industry.
Students at Miami University in Ohio, Indiana University Bloomington, Vanderbilt in Tennessee, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have all used tabling to educate students about their divestment campaign and get petition signatures. At UC Davis in California, students doubled their petition signatures in just one month through tabling and expanding conversations on campus.
Divestment sends a message to the gun industry that we won't accept their dangerous practices. Find your school and join the movement of students, alumni, staff, and community members calling on their schools to divest.
Research Corner
Nearly one child in America gains access to a loaded firearm and unintentionally shoots themself or someone else every day (an average of 350 children a year). The victims of shootings by children are—tragically—most often also children.
Everytown Research's #NotAnAccident report provides a deeper understanding of where, when, and how unintentional child shootings occur—and the steps we can take to prevent them.
Read more of our findings in the Preventable Tragedies report.
Everytown in the News
Every firearm is dangerous and capable of taking life. But every day, the gun industry works to create increasingly deadly weapons and modifications.
New reporting from Rolling Stone details the gun industry's Killer Business and toxic marketing: "The mass murder in Lewiston was a tragedy, but not an accident. It is a choice. And it's one that the gun industry made, and has doubled down on—pushing tens of millions of massacre-ready weapons on the American public."
Read more from Rolling Stone: "Mass Murder Is a Choice. The Gun Industry Made It."
Good News!
Last month, more than 90 young Black leaders from community organizations and HBCUs across the country joined us in Atlanta for our first Young Black Changemakers Summit.
Black American kids and teens are bearing the brunt of the gun violence crisis: They are 17 times more likely to be victims of gun homicide than their white peers. They're also leading the way when it comes to finding solutions—and they need a seat at the table where decisions about gun violence prevention policies are being made.
These incredible changemakers are building on the legacy of Black leaders who came before them to help us achieve a future free from gun violence.
Courts & Litigation
Last month, a coalition of hundreds of domestic violence survivors, advocates, and community partners rallied on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to demand the court protect survivors of domestic violence—not abusers.
We gathered as the court began hearing oral arguments in U.S. v. Rahimi: a critical case that will determine whether domestic abusers subject to restraining orders have the constitutional right to possess a gun.
We cannot afford to let people with dangerous, abusive histories have access to guns—survivors' lives are on the line. Learn more about what's at stake in this life-or-death Supreme Court decision.
Take Action
Be SMART is now on Instagram! The Be SMART campaign works to prevent suicides, school shootings, and unintentional shootings by children and teens by promoting secure firearm storage.
Follow the Be SMART account on Instagram to learn more about the importance of secure gun storage, the work Be SMART volunteers are doing nationwide to deliver this critical message, and how you can get involved! Then, urge your friends and family members to do the same.
Thank you for your support.
Everytown for Gun Safety