My name is Albert Townsend, and I am the Director of Lived Experience and Innovation here at the National Alliance to End Homelessness. My role helps to pave the Alliance’s work in building meaningful engagement with people who have experienced homelessness. This is a crucial path towards shaping better solutions to homelessness: individuals who have faced or are currently facing homelessness are the true experts on the issues and solutions to ending it. They know what worked for them, and they know what hasn’t.

Having recently joined the Alliance in July, I am thrilled to be in community with you, and to help expand the Alliance’s collaborative approaches in the movement to end homelessness. With your support, those approaches will succeed through intentional, meaningful engagement that centers individuals with lived experience.

With a national platform and wide reach, the Alliance strives to serve as a model for bringing community advocates and individuals who have experienced homelessness to the forefront of this work. Together we are building a network of coalitions, so all voices in the community have a seat at the table.

Your ongoing support to the National Alliance to End Homelessness allows us to make this work possible and helps us model this position in the field – so more voices of those with lived expertise are heard. Because as we advocates say: “nothing about us, without us.”

We must envision the world we want to live in, and I dream big. But this work requires the support of many, and so I urge you to join me where you can and make a contribution to this work to end homelessness. Your support matters.

In solidarity,
Albert Townsend

The Alliance relies on your support to continue fighting to end homelessness across the country.

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The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States.
1518 K Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC xxxxxx
202-638-1526 • [email protected]